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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Bella Loony
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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by TinkonBrink Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:29 am

Technically spoilery coz Booth's in his Moosejaw circus outfit!! (even though it's about Passenger!)

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And just one tinsy tiny little question that made me wonder....David was obviously interviewed during the Double Trouble in the Panhandle eppy....But look at what 'Brennan' is wearing under her coat (if you can see??) and her earrings...plus she's in the Lab...That is not circus getup! She looks like she's ready for another evening out?...Could this be the reason that Booth is wearing a tux in Hero in the Hold??? scratch

Number of posts : 652
Age : 44
Location : Liverpool, UK
Say What You Want : A Reporter sat under a Fig Tree one night,
"Where art thou Booth?" She said.
The lightning went Flash!
The tree went Crash!
And squashed the Reporter quite dead.
*Sigh* Isn't poetry lovely?
Registration date : 2008-06-14


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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by ForensicMama Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:40 am

Thank you so much!!! Very Happy

OH my gosh that would be cool if they were going somewhere and if it's really a tuxedo!!!!!! Preemptive Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Off to go watch!

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by ForensicMama Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:44 am

It definitely looks like they were trying to conceal what Brennan is wearing under that coat. I wonder why? I wonder if they were doing something cool... erm, date? Nah... Wishful thinking on my part...

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by heirofloki Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:57 am

Interesting. At first I thought that was Emily being cold in one of her circus getups, but now I don't know. The make up and earrings certainly don't scream performer; you guys might be onto something. And we know Booth never makes it to wherever it is he's going so...Hmmm.

And how much do I love Emily for saying what she said about the show's success? So very much!

PS. My god David Boreanaz has shoulders! I know, I know we know. But DAMN. Shocked

We're gonna need a drooly emoticon for this episode.

Head of Forensics
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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by Sarah9488 Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:06 am

We're gonna need a drooly emoticon for every single time we talk about him... his arms... his shoulders... his charm smile... his facial structure...

But it seems like they cut Emily off.

Oh, and wouldn't it be nice if they had some kind of fancy date... but don't really talk about it as a romantic date... (Note: Sarah is not available anymore. She just left for a daydream of Booth and Bones once again. But you can leave a message if you want.)
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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by Lo Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:23 am

maybe she needs the coat because they're filming that fantasy scene...or that scene in bed...

we were promised those!!!

thanks for posting!!

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by Bella Loony Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:43 am

Awww, so cute, and I love her point about really having to work at it creating a hit show, and the fall that some "hit shows" take after an awesome first season...a la Heroes, Lost, and those ones. I love his comments on his and Emily's chemistry and friendship too, I thought it was great.....thanks for posting!!

Bella Loony
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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by ForensicMama Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:09 am

I love that the show began strong, but not with fantastic 100% ratings and such and it's slowly grown and gotten more and more successful. That's the way to go!

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by Shakari Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:17 am

Heck yeah! And wasn't it cute what he said about Emily at the end? Awwww...He's such a SWEETIE. <3
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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by SSJL Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:10 pm

Sigh. Those two kill me ded. Each and every time.

David's arms need their own zip code *drool*.

I like the speculation that she's all covered up b/c they are filming the fantasy scene. Hee. Maybe she is NAKED under there! *eyebrow wiggle*

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by ForensicMama Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:35 pm

Oh I didn't even think fantasy scene!!!

Apparently for The Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House episode, writers and who ever put out fake scripts to throw every body off from what really went on in the episode (they even set up a fake Myspace page!)... Point is... there might be things going on that we can't even fathom... that we haven't even been given a hint of (aside from Hart's 'in bed' comment)... it could be in any one of the episodes we've been given sides on and we don't even know about it! Holy L-rd!!!!!!! I'm having a coronary!

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by Shakari Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:03 pm

Head of Forensics
Head of Forensics

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by Lo Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:03 pm

in all honesty i probably wouldnt have brought up the fantasy scene she's dressed for unless my mind was in the gutter. which it happened to be after seeing some legitimate arm candy. but, i think i'm good now.

that's interesting about the bed episode. I haven't heard anything at all. Not even the episode titles beyond Bones that Foam. It's crazy how we manage to get all these spoilers and info before most people!

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by bonesblogger Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:29 pm

I was reading about Bones on Wikipedia.com and I got this information about "The Princess in the Pear" that Bones and Agent Payton Perrota investigate a woman's murder as Booth rests at home with his backache. Their investigation leads them to a Fantasy convention, Magic-Con (a parody on Comic-Con), where they find out that the murder of the woman might be linked to the possession of an age-old prop of an Excalibur from a famous french movie, Le Morte d' Arthur.

Is there any particular reason why we haven't got anything in the sides about this episode having anything to do with fantasy or anything. Makes me wonder is this one of the fantasy episodes...

Forensic Artist
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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by CheeseBK Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:08 pm

huh? but it was in the sides that there is something about that excalibur-sword. A lot of it, as I recall..... At least that's what I read, anyway....

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by shipperatheart Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:06 pm

CheeseBK wrote:huh? but it was in the sides that there is something about that excalibur-sword. A lot of it, as I recall..... At least that's what I read, anyway....

Ha! Where's Freud when you need him? A fantasy episode and swords--ay caramba! Laughing
I'm starting to think there might be some merit to that theory... Shocked

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by heirofloki Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:51 am

It's princess and the pear. It's an episode about Fantasy, sci-fi and Fandom. That's why Sweets dresses up as a red-shirt (star-trek) to go undercover. Very Happy

I'm guessing that THE fantasy episode will have more of Booth in it...I hope.

Head of Forensics
Head of Forensics

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by bones206 Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:09 am

I don't think that it is a fantasy scene because, at one point while she is talking, something shines near the side of her coat. I don't think skin shines.
Head of Forensics
Head of Forensics

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by TinkonBrink Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:38 am

Yes Bones206...the something shiny catching the light (Silvery sequins on a black top/dress?)Is what made me think 'Aye Aye...Brennan's out on a date again!' and then my brain went 'Gasp!..Booth in a Tux...Brennan in sequins!' Suspicious. Suspect Suspect (and then there was the fact that they'd tried to cover it up with Inspector Clouseau's overcoat...or maybe that should be Columbo's mackintosh?? Laughing ) It's suspicious I tell you...verrrrry suspicious. Could Brennan be waiting for a Tux clad Booth to turn up but have to hightail it back to the lab when she realises Diggy's got Booth??? :?:

Number of posts : 652
Age : 44
Location : Liverpool, UK
Say What You Want : A Reporter sat under a Fig Tree one night,
"Where art thou Booth?" She said.
The lightning went Flash!
The tree went Crash!
And squashed the Reporter quite dead.
*Sigh* Isn't poetry lovely?
Registration date : 2008-06-14


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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by bones206 Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:40 am

I'm sorry, but what is with this whole "Booth in a tux" HE'S NOT IN A TUX! He's in that weird tank top thing. Please can someone explain it to me?
Head of Forensics
Head of Forensics

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Say What You Want : I want to go ride my horse. I love my horse. I want to watch the new episodes of Bones. I want to talk to my friends about Bones. But, most of friends don't watch Bones. Sad
Registration date : 2008-06-21

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by TinkonBrink Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:03 am

Ah yes, Booth was in his knife throwing outfit during his interview. Double Trouble in the Panhandle. When Emily was interviewed however, she is NOT in circus getup, she is sat in the Jeffersonian. I'm thinking she was interviewed later down the filming schedule...Fire in the Ice or Hero in the Hold. If it is during Hero in the Hold...Booth gets taken by Diggy whilst dressed in a tux...Where was he going wearing said attire? I put it to you, members of the Jury, that he was wearing the tux to accompany Brennan (wearing sparkly earrings and shiny top) to some such fancy night out...only to have his plans scuppered by mad ol' Diggy! Very Happy

Number of posts : 652
Age : 44
Location : Liverpool, UK
Say What You Want : A Reporter sat under a Fig Tree one night,
"Where art thou Booth?" She said.
The lightning went Flash!
The tree went Crash!
And squashed the Reporter quite dead.
*Sigh* Isn't poetry lovely?
Registration date : 2008-06-14


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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by ForensicMama Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:10 am

Oh that would just be perfect, wouldn't it? Hart gives us the slightest hint of possible fluff--then BAM--Diggy runs off with him! We're all yay! They're going to this fancy dinner TOGETHER and they might Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow... then BAM! Yeah... that's a good plot twist. It's quite possible... quite possible... Suspect

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by TinkonBrink Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:18 am

Yup...If I were Diggy I'd run off with him as well! Razz ...But then I wouldn't stuff him in a yellow submarine and plan to blow him up on a ship...Good to know I'm different from a mad mass murderer in some respects at least!!!! (different in the mass murder respect...but not the mad...that I freely admit to...Errr. Tink reserves the right to retract that last comment at a future date!! Very Happy Razz )

Number of posts : 652
Age : 44
Location : Liverpool, UK
Say What You Want : A Reporter sat under a Fig Tree one night,
"Where art thou Booth?" She said.
The lightning went Flash!
The tree went Crash!
And squashed the Reporter quite dead.
*Sigh* Isn't poetry lovely?
Registration date : 2008-06-14


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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by Lo Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:19 am

oh snap. although i thought that the fantasy episode could be film de noir or w/e its called. unless what david said was what he thought it should have been haha. which wouldn't surprise me.

anyways, hmm...guess we'll have to see.

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David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!) Empty Re: David and Emily interviewed over passenger in the oven (Booth in circus costume!!)

Post by ForensicMama Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:42 am

I think this is the episode (HITH) where there's a departure from reality... BUT I think there will be another departure from reality for the bedroom scene.... I think I wrote about it once... lol.... basically something happens in a case where Brennan and Booth both can't stop thinking about each other or dreaming about each other and separately they talk to Sweets about the issue (because he's the only one bound to doctor/patient confidentiality) and they both tell their dreams... somewhat matter-of-factly from Brennan and from Booth he's more hesitant... and it dips in and out of the bedroom scene lol... it'll be great. But I can't wait to see what this season has in store for us! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Last edited by ForensicMama on Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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