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Wrath of Ange

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Wrath of Ange Empty Wrath of Ange

Post by Andadance Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:46 am

**Okay, first fanfic... be nice. Spoilers have got me down, someone needed to kick Booth's ass, I decided to let Angela do it. This was incredibly cathartic for me because I am stupidly caught up in the world of Bones.** Rolling Eyes

"Ange?" he gently rapped on the frame of her office door. They had been colleagues, friends even, for years yet he had no idea why she seemed so angry with him since he returned from Afghanistan. No, he corrected himself, at first she was happy to see him, hugged him with tears in her eyes. Maybe, like Rebecca, pregnancy made her emotional and volatile all the time. But the rolling eyes, muttered comments like "whatever" or "yeah, right" had led to an open hostility from his friend confused him and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

With a heavy sigh, Angela said "Yeah, Booth, is there something I can do for you?" The sight of the man made her blood boil. He was so completely clueless about the damage he had done to her friend. Never one to hide her feelings, she struggled to maintain her composure and tried not to be in the same room with him. Carefully avoiding eye contact, she steeled herself for having to talk to him. Silently reminding herself that she did, after all, work with him Angela ran through the short list of reasons she liked her job.

"How are you feeling? I mean, the baby...." Booth trailed off, hoping Angela would offer some explanation for her earlier behavior. He had made a what he thought was a harmless joke, something about the victim and Angela had slammed down her sketchpad, growled and stormed off the platform. Wordlessly, Bones walked towards her office. He looked to Hodgins, who shrugged "Don't look at me, man." Booth waited a moment before following Ange to her office.

Instinctively, her hand went to her stomach. A smile flashed across her face. "Fine. Great, really now that the morning sickness..." she paused the smile disappeared. Remembering who she was talking to, she snapped, "I'm fine, Booth thanks for asking." Looking down, she clicked the keyboard hard, closing the baby gear website.

Ohhh, cold, there was not going to be an easy way out of this. "I remember with Rebecca the first trimester was the worst, so maybe since that is over." He was talking to the top of her head. "So, um, Ange.... I can't help feeling that there is some sort of problem. With us. Like you are, um, mad at me?" She looked up, intrigued. "I'm not quite sure why, I mean I know my joke was in bad taste, but..."

This stupid ass thinks that was about my hormones, she seethed. Angela had spent much time rehearsing in her head all the things she'd like to tell him. For the past few weeks she had been consoling Brennan, bashing Booth. Poor Bren, who had finally figured out, in Maluku, that she was in love with Booth, had come home to discover he had a new girlfriend. Angela frequently broke into a monologue for her husband, who had grown tired of telling her to stay out of it. She was armed and ready for this conversation. Her eyes narrowed on Booth as she prepared to speak. For his part, Booth suddenly felt very nervous, heat rose to his neck and cheeks and he took a step back from her desk.

Her response was curt, "There is nothing funny about a broken heart, Booth."

His mind searched for reference. His joke. It had been something about the victim, whom had been crushed, breaking nearly every bone in her body but strangely the soft tissue, like the heart, was relatively undamaged. "I was just kidding, you know trying to lighten the mood. I didn't mean to be disrespectful, not really." Again with the eye rolls. He scrambled to understand what she was saying. Angela was really mad, she only got really upset about things she cared about. "You aren't talking about the victim."

"No. And you know, for some hot shot FBI Special Agent, you are totally clueless. All day, wearing that obnoxious buckle, shooting your stupid mouth off, making these 'harmless jokes' and being all Boothy without any idea how hard it is for her. She would never say anything, but can't you just be a little more sensitive? And if you could just stop flaunting your damn girlfriend. How great she is. Chop, chop you have a date. Oh, or the amazing lasagna she made or whatever the hell feat of nature she has accomplished? It would be such a freaking relief if you could just shut up, completely."

"Wait a minute, Ange. Is this about Bones? You know, you are way out of line here. I know you have always had some romantic idea about Bones and me, but you've got it all wrong. I tried, she said no, that ship sailed long ago. She doesn't care about me. There is nothing to be more sensitive about, she is fine, she said she is happy that I found someone. We are partners," Booth lied, "that's all."

"Oh, please, I. Know. Don't give me that crap. I know about that night. You tried? You spend five years breaking down all those walls, making her trust and fall in love with you and then you just walk away. Arrggg. I have had it with you. She doesn't care about you, really? Why? Because she couldn't throw away the most important relationship in her life on a gamble? You totally ambush her with 'I wanna give it a shot.' I mean, seriously, was that the best you could do? Don't you know how special she is? I am glad she said no, because she is worth so much more than giving it a shot, she deserves a man who will give her everything, the world, not a damn shot. Some 30, 40 or 50 years, seriously, you ass! Oh yeah, 'You're that guy' Ha! That guy, puh-lease. You didn't even make it a year. You scared her to death. She runs off, halfway around the world, trying to make the most important decision in her life. And miracle of miracles, she does it, she finally opens up and decides to trust -trust you- and you come back with someone else?" Angela's vision was blurred with pure rage, fueled by the hours she had spent with her confused, distraught friend. She didn't want to attack Booth's girlfriend, she wasn't really the problem. Ange drew a deep breath, lowered her voice and spoke very succinctly. "My problem is that my friend is devastated and you are making jokes. Bren's heart will probably never recover from this and you make stupid jokes. I take exception to that. You are right, I can't stand the sight of you, she is broken and you did it. Just please-" Angela stopped at the sight of her friend standing in the door, "Oh my God, Bren, sweetie, I am so sorry, I just couldn't.... I really shouldn't have."

"Bones?" Booth's voice shook, his knees were weak. "Is this true? Are you, did I- Wha- Why didn't you say anything, you said you were happy for me, you said-" Booth stammered. The weight of what Angela said was still hitting him.

"I appreciate you were trying to protect me, but I really wish you hadn't..." Brennan looked pleadingly at her friend.

"I know, Sweetie, I just, I opened my mouth and my brain fell out. I am so sorry for you, but, at the same time, he deserved to be told, to know what he did." Angela looked at Booth, "He should have been more careful. I was wrong, honey, your heart will recover, I shouldn't have said that. You can do so much better."

Booth interrupted, "Hey, I am standing right here, I was broken, too, you know."

"Yeah, well, you made a swift recovery there, sport. You get no sympathy for your blonde band-aid." Angela snapped.

"Angela, no, he said he was going to move on. I should have anticipated a man like Booth would easily find a mate." Brennan reasoned, "It was perfectly reasonable for Booth to pursue another woman. Initially, I did reject his offer."

"Bones, I am in the room, will you please stop talking about me like I am not here. I am also not some anthropological case study, finding a mate. I wasn't pursuing another woman. I was at war, for crying out loud. She shut me down. Why can't I have a girlfriend?"

"Oh, come on, Booth, a girlfriend? She has 'Rebound' tattooed on her forehead. And while we're at it, who hooks up in a war zone, anyway?" Angela was enjoying watching him squirm.

Confused, Brennan adds, "I didn't see such a marking."

Angela snorted a laugh.


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-08-11

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Wrath of Ange Empty Re: Wrath of Ange

Post by geraghtyvl Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:15 am

I am in my happy-land....I too am down with all season 6 spoilers and this just made my day. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Forensic Artist
Forensic Artist

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Wrath of Ange Empty Re: Wrath of Ange

Post by joybrennan Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:39 pm

THANKS! Quite cathartic! Very Happy Loved the tattoo remark by Brennan. Laughing
Head of Forensics
Head of Forensics

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Location : NYC
Say What You Want : I like to see the roller-coaster before I get on it. I mean, how many loops are we talking here?
Registration date : 2010-03-07

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Wrath of Ange Empty Re: Wrath of Ange

Post by RubyRuby Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:56 pm

You just made my day!!!

Number of posts : 451
Age : 38
Location : Sydney
Say What You Want : Credit goes to bones/tumblr for the beautiful banner. I do NOT support the SO storyline. Its an insult to wonderful characters and the talented actors who portray them.
Registration date : 2010-07-29

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Wrath of Ange Empty Re: Wrath of Ange

Post by SouthunLady Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:50 pm

Loved this! I feel the same way about Booth. He was my favorite; he is now not my favorite. Glad that Angela said what so many have wanted to say.

Number of posts : 9
Age : 81
Location : Melbourne, FL
Say What You Want : Love Bones, David Boreanaz, Reading British Mysteries, Painting, Silk Embroidery, Celtic Music
Registration date : 2009-11-23

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Wrath of Ange Empty Re: Wrath of Ange

Post by daffodil7511 Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:04 pm

OMG, that was fantastic! I love this story! Let him have it, Ange! LOL


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-07-17

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Wrath of Ange Empty Re: Wrath of Ange

Post by vacruz2 Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:24 pm

HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh hahahahahahahhaaha

Favorite line: ""Yeah, well, you made a swift recovery there, sport. You get no sympathy for your blonde band-aid." Angela snapped." What a Face

Number of posts : 2
Age : 38
Location : Puerto Rico
Registration date : 2010-03-21

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Wrath of Ange Empty Re: Wrath of Ange

Post by Andadance Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:05 am

**A/N Well, originally Wrath of Ange was supposed to be a one shot, but I needed resolution, which apparently TFPTB won't give me.... So, being a somewhat defiant, strong-willed, independent woman, I'll get it for myself and, of course, share it with my aby friends.... Let me know if you enjoy, I am happy to share my fantasy whirled world. Painfully lacking in sleep and a beta, so be friendly or be quiet Wink **

He was tortured, just sitting next to her was pure torture. It had been four weeks since Ange had outed Bones' feelings for him. Four weeks since he had broken off his relationship with Hannah. And three weeks and six days of trying to figure out how to approach her.This man had been trained to withstand torture, he tried to remove himself from the situation, to concentrate on his breathing, focus on a point in the distance. Then she would sigh and his heart would pound, this was ridiculous. His turn to sigh, he snuck a glance while she was looking out the window. There was a strand of hair hanging in front of her face. He had to grip the steering wheel harder to keep from sweeping it away.

She lacked talent at maintaining small talk, but her partner was usually quite adept at chitchat, his silence unnerved her. "Given your tense posture, clenched masseter muscle and rapid respiration rate, I can only conclude that you are displaying signs of emotional upset," she asserted. "If I have said something to offend you, please tell me what it was, I certainly didn't intend to anger you. I can apologize."

"What, my clenched massa- ? No, Bones, I'm not mad at you. I'm just, distracted." Well, that was the truth. Her smell, -what was that, shampoo? He knew she wouldn't wear perfume. A mental picture of her, in the shower, washing her hair. Yeah, just a little distracted. "You know, the case, it's... complicated."

She watched him, his eyebrows arched, his voice was slightly higher than normal, his head cocked to the left, according to the book she had read about interrogation, that was a sign of lying. She tested her hypothesis, "You're lying. You are not thinking about the case."

But when he turned to look at her, his brow furrowed, mouth slightly agape, his eyes darted from her eyes to her mouth. Distress? Or was is sadness? She sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say you are lying, I just can't figure out what is wrong. Usually, this part of the case, when you do your Booth thing, with your gut, or more precisely your brain, then bad-da-bing," she snapped her fingers, "you figure out who the bad guy is. Usually, you are much more animated. Your current demeanor has me off kilted."

"Kilter, off kilter." She was right, this was the part he loved, where he put together all the evidence, the suspects, possible motives and found the bad guy. "Anyway, I should be the sorry one. You're right, I'm not distracted by the case. I liked that little twerp for this from the beginning. This was a no brainer. I don't want to be dishonest with you, I really don't want to talk about what's bothering me either, okay?"

"Technically, it was just an easy brainer, the case, I mean. I know you thought Chelsea's boyfriend was the prime suspect the first time you met him. I try not to let your prejudices influence my examination of the remains, but I must admit it is shocking how often your initial impressions are correct. I often wish the science would prove you wrong more often. Not that I want you to be wrong, but it goes against logic to trust one's gut." In truth, it fascinated but was a little unsettling for Temperance.

He drove on in silence, trying like hell not to think about her shampoo, or the shower. They were still an hour's drive out of DC, needing a distraction from his distraction, he flicked on the radio. She was right, he felt angry, but at himself. This was entirely his fault, he simply had to put her out of his mind. He punched each preset button on the radio, each playing commercials. The last station mocked him with some simpering love song, he flicked the radio off.

"I really want to respect that you don't want to talk about whatever is distracting you, but it is having a direct effect on me and it seems very unfair. You claim not to be angry at me, but your body language says otherwise. Granted, I may not be able to offer any insight into what you are mulling over, but surely talking to me is better than taking your frustrations out on the radio or, or pouting."

"Pouting? I am not pouting. I don't have anything to pout about. I just don't want to talk. Okay?" He regretted his tone, it was too angry, he was so damn frustrated but she was the last person he wanted to hurt. That was why he was suppressing his feelings, right? To protect her, and then he ends up yelling at her. Peripherally, he saw her hand wipe away a tear.

If it were physically possible, he would have punched himself, instead he silently cursed himself for the millionth time this month. "Aw, no, no, no, please, don't cry, please? I didn't mean to snap like that, you haven't done anything wrong. I'm a jerk, really, please, don't cry Bones."

She puffed out a breath, "Its stupid. I hate crying, I'm not really crying. I tried to avoid ruining our partnership, Booth. It just seems that I did anyway. You say you aren't mad at me, I want to believe you, but you won't tell me and you seem angry. Perhaps we should take a break, not work together for a while..." her voice trailed off as she turned toward the window, wishing this trip would end.

"Hey, no, don't even think that." He reached out and gave her arm a quick squeeze, "I'm not angry at you, Bones. I'm sorry. I am so sorry and so embarrassed." He saw a sign, there was a park off the next exit, he hit the signal and changed lanes. Within minutes he was pulling the SUV into a parking lot. "Is this all right? Can we just stop for a minute, you know go for a walk, get some fresh air?" She nodded. He still hadn't decided whether or not to tell her the truth. It was not an option to go on like this any longer. He had screwed up- royally. But he was determined to earn back her trust, to convince her to take this chance. Granted, their timing sucked, but he knew now that he was destined to love her for the rest of his life, even if she couldn't love him in return. But that's not going to happen, he was sure, almost sure, she still had feelings for him. This is not a gamble, this is what I have to do, it is absolutely right. He had a nervous knot in his stomach, so much for the sniper's nerves of steel.

They got out and began walking towards the water silently. There was a slight chill in the air, but both were too preoccupied with their own inner turmoil to care.

Temperance Brennan spoke first, she began the speech she had been practicing in her head weeks ago, but lacked the nerve to deliver. "I am sorry that Angela spoke to you about the confidences I had shared with her. I believe that she had the best of intentions, but it has caused a great deal of discomfort for me." Booth raised his hand as if the speak, but she pushed on. "I had time in Indonesia to reflect on our partnership," she corrected herself, "that is, our personal relationship and I returned with a different view than when we parted. I have found these matters," another pause, "matters of the heart, if you will, they take me a great deal of time to process and acknowledge. You are unhappy with me, perhaps because of my indecision, or my unwitting role in the end of your romantic involvement with Hannah, or maybe some other reason. Regardless of the reason, I can see why it may be necessary to dissolve our working relationsh-"

He couldn't bear to hear her say the words, "No, I am frustrated with myself, Bones. I am such a stupid ass. I was just as scared as you. I ran all the way to Afghanistan, I got other people involved, I had no business doing that. I mean, I can't even ask, I don't deserve..." He sighed, tried another approach. "You, you are a great partner, your logic and knowledge are, like Sweets says, a perfect complement to my style, my gut. I don't want to work with anyone else, ever. But that is not all. You are also this amazing person," they got to the water's edge and stopped, he turned to face her, gaining resolve as he looked into her teary eyes. He hated himself for putting any pain in her life. "You are my partner, but you are also my friend, but then it doesn't end there. It is selfish of me, I am risking the best thing in my life, but I want more. I tried to move on, but it was the single dumbest thing I have ever done. It is impossible to move on without your heart." He could not read her reaction, but it was too late, he tentatively reached for her hand. "I am distracted because I am so completely in love with you, Bones, I love you."

Her eyes were wide, her mind was reeling. "Not in an 'atta girl way'?" she asked. His hand was shaking, which actually scared her more than his words.

He smiled, "No, well, that too, but this is different." It took every bit of his strength not to backtrack, to stand here completely exposed and wait for her to process this confession. He tried to forget what he said, to go back ten minutes in time and be safe again. He wanted both more time and to go back to the safety, he closed his eyes and prayed for this moment to end. "I am so sorry I hurt you. I never want to do that again. I'm just gonna go ahead and start the next 50 years, because I really don't have any choice. I have to love you."

He cringed, this was too much for her, back off Seeley. It was impossible to read her expression. "But, hey, you know what? It's okay, you don't need to say anything right now." His brain screamed 'Yes! She does! I don't want to waste another minute!' He stared at her hand in his, unable to let go.

"I'd like to now, if that's all right," she bent to look into his eyes. Without raising his head, he gulped, nodded and looked into her eyes. "First, I am really relieved that you are not mad at me, and I can see how anxiety could be interpreted as exasperation." She sighed, this was not what she wanted to say, what she had imagined and practiced as she lay sleepless in bed at night. Yet finding the right words now seemed impossible. "Booth, I have to be careful, you know me, you know me well enough to know that a quick and thoughtless response of 'I love you, too' would be disingenuous."

His shoulders dropped, she tightened her grip on his hand. "That doesn't mean that I don't love you. These feelings I have for you are completely original to me, and they are incredibly intense. And, seemingly beyond my control. You are my best friend, my confidant, sometimes my hero, always my touchstone. For years, you have been telling me the rules of being a partner, which lines we don't cross and which ones we do. I have tried to understand and follow these rules, even though they don't always make sense to me. I have trusted you to guide me. Trusting hasn't ever come easy to me, except with you. Loving hasn't come easy either, you know I have my doubts I don't know that I can do it. But if you believe in me, if you are willing to try, I have to trust you. I know that I want to love you and I would never do anything to hurt you. So as far as good intentions go, I believe..."



"You trust me?"

"Yes, I have found you to be very reliable."

He couldn't wait another minute. "Then you have to let me do this." He finally swept the strands off her face and slipped his hand behind her ear, tangling his fingers in her hair and gently pulled toward him.


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-08-11

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Wrath of Ange Empty Re: Wrath of Ange

Post by vacruz2 Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:20 am

I melted. Simply, melted. So glad you continued it!! 2Tup

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Location : Puerto Rico
Registration date : 2010-03-21

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