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Freezer Burn (one shot-complete)

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Freezer Burn  (one shot-complete) Empty Freezer Burn (one shot-complete)

Post by dawn Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:34 pm

This is a non-angsty fic, it has nothing to do with anything, from 100 or any spoilers.

Freezer Burn

"We're on for Mac and Cheese, tonight?" He asked her, as they crossed the street.

"Of course, it's Tuesday."

They walked side by side, down the sidewalk, shoulders occasionally brushing. "I wonder if he's even here.this time." she asked, as they turned a corner.

This was their second trip to the Chinese restaurant. They had few question for the owner, who conveniently, couldn't be found the last time they were here.

"This time, he doesn't know we're coming, Bones."

"Ahhh," she looked at him, "surprise is on our side?"

"Can't run from something you don't see, right?" he looked over at her smiling.

They turned another corner, and stopped in front of the wide double doors. "We're here." he pulled on the doors, rattleing them. "They're locked."

Brennan pressed her face up against one of the tinted windows, "Lights are all off, maybe no one is here." as she continued to peer into the windows.

"Let's go around back." Booth tugged her by the arm. She followed Booth, down the side of the building. They turned the final corner, and they were there.

She looked around, nothing suspicious, or out of the ordinary. The backside of the warehouse, had a loading dock, and a truck was backed in, the doors were thrown wide open. They could
both see workers unloading supplies into the back. They climbed the small flight of stairs that
led them to the open doors.

"Excuse me." Booth was trying to get the attention of the workers. "I'm Special Agent Sealy Booth with the FBI, and this is Dr. Temperance Brennan of the Jeffersonian Institute."

Standing next to Booth, the Chinese workers looked very small. All of their eyes widened, when they had to look up at Booth. "NO English." in a heavy Chinese accent.

"Isn't that convenient, no one speaks English." he turned to her, "any chance you speak Chinese?" He had learned a long time ago, to not underestimate her.

"Sorry, Booth, I can say a few words, and name the bones of the body, but that's about it."

"Do you know enough to ask for Ming?"

"That, I can do."

He listened, as she haltingly asked them, in Chinese, amazed as always about the stuff she knew. He watched the faces of the workers, and knew they understood what she was
asking. They both, pointed to the doors on the inside of the dock.

"He's in there." she turned towards the doors, "he'll show us." referring to one of the workers.

Booth let the worker take the lead, "Let's go ask him our questions." she followed behind Booth.

They walked to the doors together, Booth reached out and pulled the heavy doors open, allowing the worker to go in first, carrying a box, he'd just unloaded from the truck.

"This way, Bones." Booth directed them down a hall. He was following the worker. He turned a corner, and they were a large room. The worker walked to the back, were a huge
door was thrown wide open, rubber slats were hung from the doorway, effectively blocking the cold air that was flowing out. The worker parted the slats, and frigid white air rushed
out. He heard the worker speak a sentence in rapid Chinese.

"Agent Booth." Ming stepped out of the freezer, in a coat, and gloves.

"Mr. Ming, we have a few questions for you."

"Of course, we just got a new shipment in, so if you don't mind, I'd like to keep working, as we talk." he said, as another worker wheeled in a giant stack of boxes. "I've got a lot of work to do, Agent Booth."

"Of course, then we'll get to the point." Booth looked down at him. "where were you last Tuesday evening."

"I was working." he picked up a few boxes, and walked thru the rubber slats.

Booth waited for him to come out, "What time would that be?" he asked as Ming came out, and picked up another round of boxes.

"All night, didn't go home until after close." he walked back thru the rubber slats.

"When was the last time you saw Lin Lee?"

"I'm not sure, she was at work earlier that night."

"you know of anyone who had a grudge against her?"

"I know of no one, Agent Booth. Now if you'll excuse me?" he picked up some more boxes, and turned back to the freezer, parted the slats, and walked back in.

"Not so fast, Ming." Booth followed him into the freezer, followed closely by Brennan. "She had your card on her."

"Not a surprise, Agent Booth, she did work here." He neatly stacked the boxes on a metal shelf, he turned back to the doors.

Booth looked around in the freezer. "What are you looking for, Booth?" Brennan asked.

"I don't know."

WHAMMMMMMMMMMM. They were left in the dark. They both turned to each other.

"He closed the door." Brennen reached into her bag, and pulled out a small flash light, and slid the button on.

"You think of everything, don't you Bones." he said in admiration.

Booth ran to the door, pushing against it. He started slamming his shoulder into it, over and over. "Ming." he pounded on the door. "Ming, open the door." and started slamming it again. It never even budged.

"Booth, stop." he looked at her.

"you can't open the door like that, it's sealed all the way around." she pointed at the door. She began rubbing her arms, for warmth.

"isn't there supposed to be an emergency latch or something?" he asked, kicking the door.

"this is an old building, probably was built before anyone thought of safety latch's."

"How cold do you think it is?"

"Cold, I'm guessing near 5 or 10 degrees." her teeth were already starting to chatter. It had been a beautiful spring day, and she had dressed accordingly.

Booth took off his suit jacket, "here put this on, Bones."

She shook her head, "you need that."

"Just do it, please." he looked at her, draping it across her shoulders. "your in short sleeves, you need it more than I do, right now."

"Booth, if we don't get this door open, neither one of us, are going to need it for long."

"I don't have a signal on my cell, do you?"

"No, must be the freezer."

"I have an idea," Brennan said "Shoot the latch."

"Not a good idea."

"Do you have an idea, then? I'm only asking because, I already estimate, our approximate body temperature have dropped at least ten degrees. At this current rate, we're going to go
into hypothermia soon, then we won't be able to do anything."

"Fine, but, I'm going to do it," remembering the last time. "Bones, stand behind those boxes." she watched at he took careful aim, and fired. The bullet struck the latch, making a pinging noise, and began ricocheting around in the freezer, "Get down." he yelled at her. Ping, ping,
ping, the bullet bounced around, until lit buried itself in a box of frozen fish.

"Bones, you okay?" he asked.

"Fine, you?" when he didn't answer, she peeked out. He was sitting down on a box. "Booth?" she came out form behind the boxes. He looked at her, and looked down, "Bones, I shot
myself in the ass." he was holding his hands on his rear, blood was beginning to seep thru his fingers.

"What, let me see." she came to him. "Bend over, Booth."

"Bones you are not examining my butt."

"Don't be embarrassed Booth, I've seen you naked numerous times, and I am a Doctor, after all."

"First off once, is not numerous, and you are not a medical doctor."

"Twice, and so what, I can still treat a wound, Booth."

"Its a flesh wound, it's not serious."

"We still have to stop the bleeding." her teeth chattered. "Especially now."

"Once, and I'm not embarrassed." as chills were starting to wrack his body.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed, you have a very nice gluteus maximums" she said matter of factly.

"You think I have a nice butt?" he looked at her.

"Did I say that?" the cold must be affecting her more than she realized.

"Booth, we need to conserve our heat." she scooted next to him on the box he was sitting on.

She slid her arms out of his jacket, "No Bones, keep that on." She leaned into Booth, shivering, and put it back around his shoulders.

"We need to get closer, for warmth, of course."

She slid her arms around his chest, all the way to his back wrapping him in her arms, and layed her cheek on his chest, his jacket covering both of them.

"How's that, better?" she asked.

"It's good." he said. Trying not to physically shiver. "its getting real cold."

"I can't feel my hands and feet, anymore." she said, teeth chattering. He could barely understand her.

She pushed her face into his neck, exhaling a warm breath on his ear. "Geeze, Bones, your nose feels like ice." She moved into him closer. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against him, leaving no space between them. He felt the pull of sleep.

"Booth, don't go to sleep." she said nudging him with her chin. His blood loss, and the cold, was affecting him.

"I'm not Bones, talk to me." he needed her to keep him awake.

Shaking and shivering, she pulled him closer, "tell me about your plans for the weekend." he was quiet.

"Booth," she pulled back and looked at him.

"I'm here." she pulled him back, fear and cold, making her stomach quake. "They know where we are," teeth chattered, "they'll find us."

"They will." Booth knew that, would it be in time, was the real question.

"How long, can we last?" he asked her, his teeth chattering.

"Not much longer." she said in his neck. "It's too cold." a single tear escaped from her eye, dripped off her nose, and froze on the box, where it landed. She slid the rest of her body
around him, trying to maintain, any heat that was left in their bodies.

He pulled her into his body, her pelvis against his, feeling a hardness that wasn't there before,
"Booth, don't be embarrassed." She said shaking, like a leaf, trying to maintain her grip on reality.

Booth chuckled, in his frozen delirium. "Bones, its my gun."

"Of course it is." Brennan responded, both of them unable to control their shaking bodies, "Guess we can die, together."

"Worse ways to go Bones." He pulled back and looked at her. "Bones," she looked at him, "Don't be mad."

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because of this," and he kissed her. He brushed his cold lips against her once, twice, and again. He felt her move her lips.

He buried his face in her neck. "Sorry, Bones, but I had to." he said, his cold lips moving against her. He lilted his head, "did you hear that?" His teeth chattered.

"I heard it, someone's out there." he couldn't understand her anymore, her chattering tangled her words.

"We got to get up, Bones."

"I can't feel my feet, anymore."

"Get up." he pushed her off of him. "Can you stand?"

"I think so." her body was wracked with shivers. He put his feet to the floor, stamping them, trying to get the circulation back. "I can't feel my feet either." He reached for the door, one
long arm making contact.

He pushed himself forward, unable to walk, but landed against the door, on the floor. He picked up his fist, and began pounding the door. "Hey, we're in here." he yelled over and over.

After a few minutes of yelling, Booth was giving up. "Bones." he looked at her. She was lying on the bottom of the freezer. She wasn't saying anything. "Bones." he struggled to crawl to her,
no longer able to feel any part of his extremities. He heard a click, and a sliver of light shown from the door.

"Booth." the door was thrown wide open. A figure bent, and grabbed him by the arm, and pulled him out of the freezer,

"Get Bones." he managed to get out, before passing out on the floor.


Thirty minutes later, Booth awoke, when he was being bundled into an ambulance. He was wrapped up tight in heated blanket. He looked over, and saw Brennan seated on a bench seat, next to his gurney. She was also wrapped in a blanket.

"You okay?"

"Your awake." she smiled at him. "Fine. Told you they would find us."

"You did, you were right, again. One of these days, I'm going to learn to never doubt you, Bones." he pulled the blanket closer. "Still cold." he said,

"Me too." He looked at her, scooted over, and lifted his blanket, "room for one more under here?" he arched a brow at her.

She hesitated one second, and climbed in next to him. "This is much warmer." she said, as he slid his hands around her waist, pulling her close to him. He breathed down the back of her neck,
"Booth," she paused.


"why did you kiss me?"

"I think you know why, Bones." his voice was husky in her ear.

"Do you think, you might want to do it, again, sometime."

"I don't know Bones, would you want me too?" he asked, his breath tickling her ear.

"I think so, yes." he smiled.

"Booth, your gun is digging into my back." she said.

The ambulance door opened, "you two doing okay in here?' asked a paramedic, who grinned when he saw them wrapped up together.

"Fine, we're still cold." Booth said.

"Of course, Agent Booth, we're about ready to take off." pulling on the ambulance doors. "Agent Booth, your friend Charlie, said to tell you, he has your gun, and he'll hang on to it, till you get out of the hospital."

"Thanks, for letting me know." and he closed the doors leaving them alone.

"Charlie has your gun, Booth?" Brennan smirked.

"Don't say another word, Dr.Brennan." he advised her, before swooping in for a mind altering kiss.


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Registration date : 2010-03-24

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