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White, bright and ... beautiful

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White, bright and ... beautiful Empty White, bright and ... beautiful

Post by kat0505 Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:32 am

I have a week off and a bit restless and anticipating the start of a new season. But hey, I need to wait until Friday to watch the premiere coz I’m in a different time zone here. So, to kill the time, I started thinking of writing a new fan fiction. I’ve been having this on my mind for quite a while now. And tada, here it is …

White, bright and … beautiful.

It was a few days before Christmas when Booth and Brennan walked their usual way after a case to the Founding Fathers. It was very cold outside and Booth was wearing his long winter coat and gloves. Brennan forgot hers at the lab and was trying to find a warm spot in the pockets of her winter jacket.

<Feeling cold, Bones?> he saw how she shivered and looking for warmth in her jacket.

<Yes, I seemed to have forgotten my gloves back at the lab. I just can’t seem to warm up my hands, my pockets aren’t big enough.>

<Well, then take my gloves, Bones, I don’t want you to freeze up here.> before she could refuse this nice gesture, he’d already taken them off and gave her the gloves.

<Thank you Booth, they’re nice and warm.> she looked at him and wondered when he would ever stop trying to take care of her.

A couple of weeks ago, Booth and Hannah split up of reasons Brennan still didn’t know anything about. Booth had been very silent about it.

After them splitting up, Brennan started to receive a lot of attention from Booth. It even became worse when she got sick two weeks ago and he spent a few days in her apartment taking care of her. After that, he was there every evening to pick her up from the lab and every morning he was waiting in his car to bring her back to work. He was almost like her guardian angel, always by her side. It was like he was afraid of losing her also.

Brennan wasn’t disliking his attention, on the contrary, she loved every moment he was spending with her. She was catching back the time she lost when he was with Hannah. For the first time in six years, she was able to admit to herself and even to Angela that she made a mistake with telling him “no”. And according to Angela, she really shouldn’t waste anymore time telling him that now that Hannah’s gone out of the way. But how was she going to do that?

It was a ten minutes walk to the FF. They both didn’t say much; it was probably even too cold to talk.
Once there, Booth showed his gentleman way again with opening the door for her. They went inside the warmth and sat down at the bar. Booth ordered a glass of wine for her and a beer for himself.

<Tell me, Bones, what are you up to at Christmas this year? Going for a dig again>

<No, I’m staying here.>

Booth couldn’t help but was surprised with hearing this.
<Wow, Bones, that’s the first I’m hearing here. You’re staying home this year?>

<Yes, I have absolutely no desire in being located again in some jungle with a satellite phone as my only form of communication. No, I’m staying here. My dad even asked me to join him for a dinner on Christmas day. What about you Booth>

<I promised pops that I would go to the Christmas Eve event at my uncle’s. I haven’t seen my family for at least ten years. And on Christmas day I’m coming back with pops and we will be picking up Parker to spend some time with him.>

<I see, so you have an uncle. I didn’t know that.>

Booth felt a bit sorry for her as she knew hardly anything about her own family.

<Hey Bones, why don’t you join me there? I really would enjoy your company, it’s even a bit of a drive going up north.>

<Booth, I would love to see pops again, so yes, I’m your company.>

<Great! I will pick you up, let’s say around six pm cause it’s at least a two hour drive. Let’s hope there won’t be too much snowfall that night.>

<Booth, your uncle, does he look anything like your father?>

<From looks, yes, but not from spirit. He’s nothing like my father.>

Booth remained in silence. Brennan almost regretted that she asked him this but at the same time she was curious of meeting more members of his family.


At exactly six o’clock Booth parked his SUV on Brennan’s parking lot. She was rushing inside her apartment to get some last things packed in her small bag. Now it seemed like her small bag was indeed too small. She also got a present for Booth wrapped up; a camera. She found that Booth should take more pictures of his son and so she hoped that he would like her present. For pops, she bought an mp3-player as she remembered he loves to listen to music. She didn’t know how many people she would be meeting this evening, so she also got a big box of chocolates as a treat for everyone. It’s been such a long time since she last time had so much fun in buying presents. Even more, as for the first time, she felt that things were going to be differently this Christmas.

Booth was already knocking on her door.
<Bones, are you ready?>

<One minute, coming right up.>

He decided to wait outside in his car. Ten minutes later, she climbed next to him in his SUV after she put her bag on the back seat.

<Are we okay, Bones?>

<Yes, we are okay. I’m not sick. Are you?>
She probably misunderstood his question.

<No Bones, I was asking if we are ready to leave.>

<Oh yes, of course.>

<You took some food with us?> she turned around to the big basket of food at the back seat of the car.

<Yeah, pops made me take out some stuffed turkey and mashed potatoes. Apparently, they all bring some food with them as my uncle’s living alone.>

<I see. And you made coffee? Is that your input for the Christmas party?> she pointed at the big thermos in front of the car.

<No silly, that’s for us. There are two cups in the bag next to the thermos, you can take some coffee if you want.>

As she opened the bag, she didn’t only see the two cups, there was a small wrapped gift box on the bottom of the bag. She wanted to say something but decided to pretend that she didn’t see this.


They were driving for about an hour as snow started to fall. It was already dark and they were passing a small forest. It was difficult to see straight on the road.
Booth slowed down the car and looked a bit anxious to Brennan.

<You’re not scared, Bones?>

<No, why? Because of this weather? We’ve been in more dangerous situations than this and each time you rescued me. So, I might say I’m feeling very safe with you.>

<Thank you.> she looked at him and he continued <for trusting me.>

He just said his words as all of a sudden a big deer decided to cross the road at the same time as they were approaching.

Booth hit the brakes when Brennan started to scream after she saw the deer right in front of them. The car began to slide and turned around 90° before it finally came to a stop on the other side of the road in the mid of a big pile of snow.

Forensic Artist
Forensic Artist

Number of posts : 164
Age : 53
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Registration date : 2010-05-21

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White, bright and ... beautiful Empty Re: White, bright and ... beautiful

Post by Pat Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:50 am

What a great start for your vacation and a real treat for us. Please keep writing. I love your new socially-correct Brennan. I'm sorry for Booth as he seems a little down-trodden. I hope that he is OK and is just wondering how to get back to normal with his Bones.

Forensic Artist
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Registration date : 2010-05-14

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White, bright and ... beautiful Empty Re: White, bright and ... beautiful

Post by geraghtyvl Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:23 am

Keep on going!

Forensic Artist
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White, bright and ... beautiful Empty Re: White, bright and ... beautiful

Post by Bonesbabe Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:53 pm

cant wait for more!

Forensic Artist
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White, bright and ... beautiful Empty Re: White, bright and ... beautiful

Post by kat0505 Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:31 am

Ready for some sequel?

There was a moment of silence in the car but then the first thing Booth did was looking at his partner to see if she was okay.
Bones was trying to catch her breath. She had been preparing herself for a big car crash.

<Everything okay, Bones?>

<Apart from the scare I had, everything’s fine, Booth.>

<Oh God, we are very lucky here. We could have ended up worse.>

<I don’t think God had anything to do with this. It was a big deer who ran in front of our car here.>

<I know Bones, but you know it’s just an expression.>

<You know I don’t believe in God>

<Can we stop with the bickering here? I have to get the car on the road again.>

Booth turned on the engine and there didn’t seem to be any problem with starting the car but as he put his foot on the gas, the only 2 things that seemed to be moving around were the back wheels of the car. The more Booth put his foot on the gas, the more deeper the wheels were buried.

<I think we’re stuck here.>

<What does that mean?>

He looked at her but really wasn’t in the mood to give her any explanation. <it means that we’re stuck.>

He got out of the car, it was good that at least it didn’t snow anymore. It was pretty dark, so he opened the trunk of the car to get a flashlight out of it. Then he finally saw what was going on.

The car had landed on top of a big pile of snow and was completely surrounded by it. They wouldn’t be able to move anywhere without removing the snow at first. It also seemed like half of the pile consisted out of ice as he tried to remove it with his bare hands but had to give it up. He tried again with his gloves on but it was no use. He even tried kicking it with his feet but that only gave him soar toes.
He went back in the car and took his cell phone.

<Oh no!> he threw his cell phone on the floor.

She turned towards him and grabbed his arm <can you please finally tell me what seems to be the problem that we can’t move any forward>

<My phone seems to be without any signal here.>

<That is the problem? I don’t understand.>

<Come outside the car then, I’ll show you.>

They both studied the whole situation standing behind the SUV. The back wheels were way too deep in the snow and ice to be able to drive out of it.

<Don’t you have a shovel in your car?>

<Do you really believe I would drive around with my entire garden tool set in the trunk of the car?>

She looked upset as she started to realize in what kind of mess they were in. They were stranded in the middle of nowhere. In the far distance they could see the lights of the closest town. But who knows how long it would take to walk there through the cold snow?

She also tried her cell phone but it was dead too. No signal at all.
<There must be a logical explanation why we don’t get any signal.>

<Try being in the middle of nowhere, Bones.>

They looked at each other both being in despair and as things couldn’t get any worse, snowflakes starting to fall down again. Very big snowflakes, which made them step in the car again.
It was silent for a while, neither of them felt like talking.
Finally Booth started the engine again and opened up all of the heaters inside the car.

<My toes are starting to feel cold here. You’re not cold, Bones?>

<I’m still fine here. But how long do you think we will be stuck here?>

He looked at his watch, it already turned 8 pm. His family was expecting them. Probably his dad would start to worry as they should have been there already.

<I think at least till someone feels like driving around on this road. But the main problem is that everyone, except for us, is sitting behind a nice table with food and don’t think about driving around now in this weather.>

Tears started to prick behind her eyes and she tried to wipe them away with the sleeve of her jacket.
He saw her doing that.

<Hey Bones, I’m really sorry for the mess I got you in here. It was me who invited you.>

She sniffled and then realizing that tears wouldn’t help either.

He took her hand and squeezed in it.

<We better try to make the best out of it, Bones. At least, for what it’s worth I’m happy that I’m not sitting here by myself. I’m even more happy that it’s you who’s sitting next to me>

The car started to warm up slowly. Brennan also started to relax more. Snow was falling outside but they hardly saw that as their windows became quite steamy.

It was nearly 9 when Booth started to become hungry.

<Do you know what? It looks like we were all prepared for this cause in that basket behind us I have some nice turkey with mashed potatoes. And if we’re lucky, the food is still a bit warm.>

<Yes Booth, but you are forgetting something.>

<What? We don’t have any plates or forks? I know, but for one time I don’t think pops would be crossed with me if I would eat with my fingers.> he couldn’t wait and took the turkey out of its bag and started to pluck a piece from it and held it in front of her to take it.

She only gave him a dirty look.

<I’m a vegetarian, Booth>

He looked at her, trying to find a solution <Oh well, have some of those potatoes then.>

He certainly didn’t wait for her and started to eat like he was one of those cave men she found during one of her digs.
She was watching him while he took a big bone from the turkey out of his mouth. All of a sudden, she started to laugh.

<What’s so funny, Bones?>

<Nothing, it’s just me and you, we’re stranded here with those turkey bones.>

He also saw the funny note in this.

<Usually, I’m stranded with you and some human bones.>

Then she remembered she took some wine with her.

<Want some wine with your dinner, sir?> she asked him in a polite way
She got the wine out of her bag and he opened it with the wine opener from his pocket knife. He poured some wine for her to taste in her coffee cup.

<Excellent, sir. Thank you. You can fill it up.>

He also filled his cup.

After a while, both of them were feeling warm and so he decided to shut down the engine for a bit.

<Trying to save some gas here. We want to drive home when they rescue us, won’t we?>

She poured another cup of wine. <Sure do.>

<Bones, I think you better stop drinking, according to me you are starting to be tipsy here.>

He was trying to remove the bottle from her hands but then he saw he would only waste his time as the bottle was already empty.

<Tough luck, poor boy. I already emptied it.>

This was another face of Brennan he only witnessed once before but then he also got too much to drink. They called out a cab then to have sex at her apartment. This time, they couldn’t call for a cab. But hey, what was he thinking?

<Bones, we better get you on the back seat, so you can try to sleep.>

<Are you coming too baby?> she replied with a heavy tongue

<You want me to sit with you?>

<No baby, I need you to lay with me, you know that.> she grabbed his tie so that his face was only one inch away from hers.

It really looked like tonight would become interesting after all for Booth.


for sure to be continued

Last edited by kat0505 on Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:11 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot a line)
Forensic Artist
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White, bright and ... beautiful Empty Re: White, bright and ... beautiful

Post by kat0505 Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:11 pm

<Bones, as much as I want to, you will regret this in the morning. So better go to the back seat and put the blanket on top of you. I will be sitting at your feet end.>

<Sure, pops.>

Finally she started to listen to Booth. She crawled to the back seat and put down her head. As soon as she was laying down, Booth followed her and sat down at her feet end putting her feet up on his lap. He threw the blanket on the both of them.
He leaned his head against the window. It wasn’t that kind of comfortable but how could he be laying with her on the back seat? It would be too close and then he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to control himself.


He lifted up his head <Yeah?>

<Remember that night when we both had an awful lot to drink and when we got outside to grab the cab to go … you know where?>

<Let’s not talk about that now. You better get some sleep.>

<I wonder, what would have happened if you did come to my apartment?>

He didn’t answer, he knew it was because of her drinking that made her tongue come loser.

<I know what would have happened.>

It was silent for a while, it looked like she was falling asleep.

<If you would ask me again, I would say yes.>

He wasn’t quite sure what she was saying or what she meant. Neither did he know whether she was talking in her sleep.
But then suddenly, she sat next to him.

<Yes, Booth, I want to give it a try. I want you to be that guy that takes care of me for the next 30 or 40 years. I want you to love me as for who I am. Sometimes, I can be difficult and don’t understand everything. But I understand this; my heart feels when you’re around and it was almost like broken when I saw you with Hannah. I don’t want to take another risk in losing you. I want you to be mine and I do hope you still want the same.>

He didn’t know what to say, it looked like his mouth and tongue was frozen. She was saying the things he always would have wanted to hear. But was she still being drunk or was she really serious?

<Booth, I’m not drunk, alcohol only gives me that little bit of extra strength to tell you this.>

He turned his face to look at her. His eyes teary. This whole thing seemed to come right off a movie scene.

<Really, Bones?>

She nodded as if saying something out loud would destroy the magical moment.

He touched her face, she closed her eyes, their lips embraced. At first a soft kiss but then it deepened.

He held her tight and they both kind of fell down on the back seat. It wasn’t that comfortable and it even started to become colder again. He grabbed for the blanket.

She rested her head on top of his chest and this way they both fell asleep.


It was early Christmas morning and daylight just had broken through the dark morning clouds. Booth woke up and remembered everything from last night. Brennan was still half on top of him, her hair spread out over his chest.
He looked up and saw that it must have been snowing some more. The car was covered with white.
She woke up and blinked her eyes as if she needed protection from the white.

<Oh too bright, turn off those lights.>

<Sorry, wish I could help you there. Good morning and a Merry Christmas to you, baby>

Then she started to remember last night.

<Good morning to you too.> She kissed him. <Merry Christmas>

It all seemed natural, like they have been doing this every day.

She shivered <Cold, Booth. I hope we can get out of here today.>

<Okay, let me get behind the steering wheel to start the engine again. I hope to make the car warmer again.>

Brennan decided to go outside and remove the snow from the car.
When she got outside, she got a better look at where the car was situated. It seemed to be at the bottom of a hill, they were even lucky that their car wasn’t smashed against that hill.

That would probably be the reason why their cell phones didn’t have any signal. The hill stopped the signal. It would be the same if you would go underground, big walls would also stop the signal.

She turned to the other side and started walking to the spot where there weren’t any trees. The view she saw was magnificent. Even more beautiful, in the distant she saw a group of rain deer drinking from a small pond.

Booth came over to her. He put his arm around her and for one second they were both enjoying the magnificent view.

<It’s so beautiful, Booth. Everything covered in white and it’s so silent. I wish I could see this every year on Christmas morning.>

<Wanna know what’s even more beautiful?> she looked at him and he continued <You are.>

They kissed and nothing could disturb this … except the sound of a ringing cell phone.
Forensic Artist
Forensic Artist

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White, bright and ... beautiful Empty Re: White, bright and ... beautiful

Post by southerngirl Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:25 am

so sweet. a great way to picture their Christmas


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