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Hide and Seek (complete)

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Hide and Seek (complete) Empty Hide and Seek (complete)

Post by kat0505 Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:20 am

Out of boredom, I started to write another fanfic.

Hide and seek

<Bones!> Booth stormed in to her office. But when he entered, he noticed she wasn’t there. He already checked her apartment and she wasn’t there either. He was scratching the back of his head; where the hell did she go to? It seemed like she disappeared from the planet.

<Booth?> Cam also entered the office.
<What’s going on? Looking for Dr. Brennan?>

<Yeah. Do you know where she is?>

<I think we better sit down first, Seeley>

<So, you know something I don’t, do you?>

<Can we please talk?>

<Okay> Booth answered and sat down on Brennan’s couch with a big sigh. Cam sat down in front of him.

<Why do you want to talk to her, Seeley?>

<I have some important things to tell her. I’ve been foolish, Cam. Don’t know where to start really.>

<I’m all ears, Seeley. You’re still a good friend and friends are there for one another when they want to talk to somebody>

<It’s just that I came home from Afghanistan after 7 months, didn’t hear a thing from her and then when we met again a few months ago, I think I …>

<You fell head over heels with her again?>
He nodded but then he continued <But I didn’t realize it then and so there was Hannah all of a sudden, I thought to be happy with her.>

<But you weren’t?>

<No, I started to notice the differences, she’s like a wild tiger cat which you need to shut down first with a sleeping arrow. I loved it at first but there are other parts in a relationship more important than having sex>

<But you were in love with her in Afghanistan? Weren’t you doing the same there>

<I know it’s my own mistake, Cam. And my mistake too that it created this distance between Bones and me.>
Booth was almost in tears and Cam laid her hands on top of his.
<I always considered her as my best friend and even more, I love her, you know.>

<I know you do, Seeley>

<I broke up with Hannah. She wanted me to join her around the globe. And that I can never do. I would miss …>

<I have something to tell you about Hannah.> she interrupted Booth

He looked up <Hannah? What do you mean?>

<She came here 2 days ago. Talked to Dr. Brennan for a while and then she left.>

<2 days ago? That was Tuesday, right?>

Cam nodded

<But I broke up with Hannah Monday evening.>
<Oh God, what did she say to Bones? Do you know, Cam?>

<After Hannah left her office, it must have been about 2 hours later on, Dr. Brennan came to my office. And this you won’t like, Seeley, she gave me her resignation.>

Booth’s face was full of anger <Hannah!> he knocked his fists on the couch but then he cooled down <Cam, I need to know where Bones is. Do you know? I need to talk to her.>

<Yes, I also think you should talk to her. Apparently Hannah told that Dr. Brennan’s standing in the way for you to do what you most wanted to do in your life and that was to join her on her trip around the globe.>

<That’s just so untrue, Cam. It’s a complete lie. I told Hannah the opposite: that I can’t live without Bones. She seemed very understanding when I broke up with her. I never would have thought that she would do something like this.>

<Seeley, go to Bones. I will tell you where she is, she gave me the address but only to give it in case of an emergency.>

<Thank you so much Cam. I really appreciate this.>

Last edited by kat0505 on Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:12 am; edited 1 time in total
Forensic Artist
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Hide and Seek (complete) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (complete)

Post by kat0505 Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:59 am

Shortly after that, Booth left for Bones’ hiding place. While driving, he was thinking about how happy Bones seemed to see him again after 7 months of separation. The hug she gave, , her deep blue eyes, the scent of her perfume. It all came back to him. He knew already then that she was still the one. Only he didn’t realize it at that time and then Hannah arrived in DC. Brennan was confronted with Hannah from the first day she arrived, when he was kissing Hannah, holding hands with Hannah. He felt so stupid and he also regretted all of it.

Bones was staying at Max’ s house near the beach and as he approached it, he saw her car standing on the only parking spot available near the house. So, he was forced to park his car across the street. Maybe it was better this way, this way she wouldn’t hear him enter.

Meanwhile, Bones was sitting on the sand, her back against one of the wooden pillars of the porch. Her knees bended up and her head resting on top of her knees. She was feeling sick, sick with feeling sorry for herself but also sick of missing Booth. She was never going to see him again. But she tried to see the logic in it; she left so he can be happy. Wasn’t that all that mattered?

All of a sudden, she felt somebody sitting down next to her. In her scare, she looked up and she hardly could see through her teary eyes that it was Booth.

When Booth saw that she wanted to jump up, he put his arm around her. The touch of his hand was like something hot landed on her arm and she pushed him away.

<Why are you here?> her mind couldn’t think straight and she wanted to run as fast as she could

<I’m here Bones, because I care>

<No Booth, you’re making things harder here. It’s best you go back to Hannah. She loves you and wants to be with you. Don’t worry about me> the tone of her voice was drained with a lot of self pity.

<No Bones, you don’t want me to be with her>

She didn’t hear what he just said, she got up and started walking. He got up too and followed her. She didn’t care that he was walking behind her. She felt hurt and really wanted to be alone.

She turned around <Please leave, Booth. I don’t know why you are here but please leave>

<No, I won’t. I will stay till you hear me out.>

She dropped to her knees in the sand and tears started to flow. <Can’t you see that I’m hurting here?>

He sat down beside her <Yes, I can see that and I’m so sorry Bones. I never meant for you to get hurt.>

She didn’t answer but he knew she was listening <But I got hurt too, you know. You told me “no” when I put my heart out for you. I felt rejected and not worthy of anything or anyone. So, when I met Hannah, she told me what I wanted to hear.>

<Then you better go back to her. I will only give you heartache.>

<No Bones, I don’t believe that. I can see the mistake I made, I should have fought for you a bit harder instead of giving up. But my proud got hurt.>

He took her hand which she tried to remove <I really wanted to move on, at least I tried. But after I came back here I realized that it was only you I wanted to see. I wanted to be with you. And then I started to realize I would lose you for good.>

<It would be best if you did leave now, Booth, for good.>

<No Bones, I told you, I’m not leaving. I’m staying here until you believe just how much we both mean to each other. I know you were hurting but that makes two of us. You were only hurting, Bones, coz you care.>

Last edited by kat0505 on Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:05 am; edited 1 time in total
Forensic Artist
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Hide and Seek (complete) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (complete)

Post by kat0505 Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:00 am

Tears were still falling down from her cheeks. He saw that and took her in her arms. She didn’t have any resistance to the soft caress from his arms. He pressed his cheeks against hers to wipe her tears away. He tasted her salty tears <Shhh, baby, I’m here and I will stay here for as long as you want me to.>

<Why do I feel this way? Why can’t I trust you? Why can’t I trust my best friend, my partner for years?>

<It’s also my mistake, Bones. I should have fought for you a bit harder than just moving on.>

She wiped off her tears and got up.
<No Booth, it’s just me, it looks like I’m meant to be alone. And I want to be alone right now.>

He knew it would take him a lot of convincing but he wasn’t planning in quitting that easy now. He got up as well and followed her back to the house. He left his bag on the porch when he was looking for her and decided to change his pants into a pair of shorts.

She was sitting on the bench on the porch and not looking at Booth when he went inside to change his clothing.
When he came back outside, she was still sitting there. It looked like she didn’t move a muscle. He sat down next to her.

After a while he started talking.
<Do you remember how we first met, Bones?>

She didn’t reply, so he continued <You were teaching students your anthropology stuff and I came in and from the first moment I saw you, I thought “wow who is this creature?”>
<I didn’t trust your ability in helping me solving that case but you did a great job and I fell for you, Bones. I fell for you and wanted more but you said goodbye.>
<But still, I wanted you to stay with me to help me as my partner, being my working partner. You did, but how many times didn’t you run for a dig? And how many times we started working again after that dig as if nothing ever happened?>

She still didn’t reply him.

<Can you please think about how much I trusted you each time you went away that you would come back? Please think for yourself on the reason why you came back to me? Why Bones? You could have stayed doing that what you really wanted to do.>
But there was only silence coming from her.

<Ok, if you don’t want to answer that, then don’t, I can only hope that you will think about it.>

He got up and decided to take a walk on the beach, leaving her to think by herself.

It was a small beach, there were only 2 other houses close by. There were some kids trying to fly a kite. They seem to be succeeding but the kite fell in the water. One of the kids dove into the water as it seemed to be stuck on something. He was watching the whole thing as he suddenly realized that the boy seemed to be in trouble. The other kids started to shout <Jimmy, come back!>

But the boy wasn’t just waving, he was signaling for someone to help him. Booth didn’t think twice and ran in the water.


Bones was still sitting on the bench when she saw some young kids running towards the porch.
<Mrs, Mrs, your husband’s in trouble. Come quick! We think he’s not breathing.>

Bones didn’t think twice but ran towards the small group of people standing around what seems to be a man, laying on the wet sand. Her heart started beating fast. Oh no, oh no, don’t let it be him. But as she approached, she recognized his wet t-shirt and shorts.

She pushed the people away, fell down and pressed her ear on top of his chest. She didn’t think about what to do and started the mouth to mouth resuscitation.

<Com’ on Booth, breath. Please, Breath!> she tried her very best but she didn’t think it was working. <Please Booth, do it for me. I’m here, I want you to stay with me. Please!>
Forensic Artist
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Post by kat0505 Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:52 am

<The paramedics are on their way.> the boy’s father also tried to help.

With one last pouch Bones knocked both her hands as in one fist on his chest. She didn’t have any strength left. She really couldn’t think of losing him but it started to look like she lost the struggle.
She started to cry and in her tears she didn’t hear him making this gargling sound and he also started coughing.

The next thing she knew was that the paramedics took over. But Booth was already back and breathing. <hey lady, you saved his life, he’s going to make it.>

She still had tears in her eyes but this time it was because of the thrill of happiness and relief.
They took him with them in the ambulance. Bones was able to sit next to Booth and held his hand.

<Hey Bones, am I in heaven? Coz it would be obvious then to see you sitting next to me.>

<Yes, we are.> she smiled <and we will stay in heaven if you want.>

<Do me a favor will you?>

<What favor?>

<Call Cam right now and tell her that your resignation was a mistake.>

<You still want to work with me?>

He touched the skin of her cheek. <Yeah, let’s go back at the beginning where everything started and do that one thing that we both love: work.>

Booth was taken in the hospital for observation but only for a few days. When he came out of the hospital, Bones already arranged with Cam to withdraw her resignation. And so, they started again as partners.

Booth decided to take things slow. He wanted for her to trust him again. But he did notice things were different than they once were.

They started to date; go out on lovely dinners or even take a movie together. It felt great and he noticed the change week by week.
Booth wasn’t the only one who noticed the change. Angela also did and she even asked Bones if she and Booth were more than friends now.

<No, we’re not. We’re just friends, close friends.>

Angela didn’t reply but pulled up an eyebrow and smiled. She knew things were quite different now. It was just a matter of time.

Forensic Artist
Forensic Artist

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Hide and Seek (complete) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (complete)

Post by kat0505 Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:50 am

On Christmas Eve, they just wrapped up a case and decided to go home on foot as it started to snow that evening. They were both hungry and were longing for a warm meal.

<Hey, why don’t we try out that new restaurant a bit further on? It’s only a five minute walk from here and it seems nice.>

<Ok, I’m starving, we shouldn’t waste any minute. But I hope we are able to walk home later this evening, coz with this kind of snow falling down, jeez>

It was a warm place, there was a fireplace burning behind them and the candle light was giving everything an extra warm glow.

Talking about the past year, they came to the subject of what happened that day on the beach.

<I’m grateful, Bones, of what happened that day. I know I nearly drowned but you saved my life and what’s more, we’ve changed.>

<Well then, I’m happy it had a purpose. And the mouth to mouth resuscitation wasn’t too bad either>

Bones lifted up her glass of wine. This was really something typical for Bones to say, he knew her very well. He smiled and also lifted up his glass and they clinked. <here’s to another year, Bones>

<Here’s to us.>

Their eyes met and suddenly she laid her hand on top of his. He noticed there was something going on inside her mind. He laid his other hand on top of hers too.

There was silence until the waiter came with the bill.

When they came outside, the snow was a few inches thick.

<Wow, Bones, look at the streets, you can hardly see the borders of the pavement.>

She took his arm and so they started walking. It was still snowing.

<I love it, Booth, I must have been a kid since I last time saw so much snow on Christmas eve.>

<It does look kind of magic, doesn’t it?>

<Yes it does> she stopped and turned around towards him. She came closer until their faces were only 2 inches away <I feel like to kiss you Booth.>

He didn’t have to answer that, he wanted it too <he could feel how 2 warm lips touched his like a feather, it was like a soft caress. But then she wrapped her arms behind his neck and the kissing became more serious. He held her so tight as if she would fall otherwise.

So, there was some magic after all that evening. 2 people found each other in the silence of the falling snow.


There weren’t many cars out there but there was one car trying to find its way back home. Inside that car were Jack Hodgins and his wife Angela Montenegro. They just turned left and in the distance they saw a couple standing in the snow.

<Will you look at that, people are making out in the snow these days.> Hodgins said with a grin on his face and looked at Angela <that’s something we even never tried.>

When their car came closer, the 2 people seemed familiar and when they noticed who they really saw, they looked at each other with big surprise and shock.

<Oh brother! It’s really happening. Yes, I knew it. I’m so happy for them> Angela was thrilled to see her best friend finally in the arms of the man who she really belonged to.
Forensic Artist
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Hide and Seek (complete) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (complete)

Post by Pat Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:02 pm

I am so loving this story. There is a peace about it that does my soul good after the rocky Bones summer. Bravo!

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Hide and Seek (complete) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (complete)

Post by kat0505 Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:17 pm

Thank you! It also helps me keeping my hopes up.
Forensic Artist
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Hide and Seek (complete) Empty Re: Hide and Seek (complete)

Post by kat0505 Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:03 am

The happy couple decided not to walk home. There was a hotel only one block away and in the thick of the snow and through the blur of their emotions it was the best thing to do. They were lucky to find a room on this Christmas night but probably a lot of people had canceled theirs because of the snow.

Bones walked inside the room and went straight for the window which had a view on the streets outside. It was still snowing and when she looked up it seemed like stars twirling down. He came standing behind her and could hear her sing.

<Twinkle, twinkle little star …>

<Do you know, Booth, we can make a wish when stars are falling down.>

<I didn’t think you believed in this kind of magic.>

<I believe in magic tonight and I already made my wish.>

<My wish already came true, baby.>

It was still a bit awkward, she knew this was going to be different than all of the other men she ever slept with.

They kissed and he carried her to bed. They made love and it wasn’t just sex. They expressed almost 6 years of hidden emotions. When they became one, they looked at each other before giving in to the burning fire and exposed passion. It felt so right, it was everything she wanted. He talked about this a little while ago, about true making love and he was right at that time and he was right now.

Afterwards they were spooning in the nice warm bed. Outside, the snow had stopped falling down and it was freezing.

<Oh Booth, why did we wait so long?>

<Maybe it was necessary for us to wait.> he put his arm around her
< But it is nice being close to you>

She felt the warmth of his embrace and after a while they both dozed off.

It was early morning when they woke up.

<Good morning sleepy head.> he pressed a kiss on the top of her nose

<Good morning … my magic star.> she must have dreamt about falling stars and she kissed him back on his mouth.

<Merry Christmas, my sweet baby.>

She almost forgot it was Christmas. Although she didn’t believe in this ancient tradition, she was happy for this year’s Christmas.

<Yes, Merry Christmas to you too Booth.> and they kissed as to memorize the night they spent together.


I could go on with this story but really, this is the magic what we all are waiting for. How this continues I truly hope we are able to see one of these days. I even hope it will be around Christmas. But meanwhile, I hope you keep on dreaming just like I do with making up with these fanfics.
Forensic Artist
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