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Glitter in the air ( T- Rated ongoing)

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Glitter in the air ( T- Rated ongoing) Empty Glitter in the air ( T- Rated ongoing)

Post by krusty1489 Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:54 am

Glitter in the air
pairing- B/B
Rated T
genre- Fluff/Angst

I kind of got inspiration for this fic while listening to these lyrics

Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said I just don’t care
Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight, tonight.

P!nk - Glitter in the air

It was a cold winter night in DC, the tree branches were bare of leaves but caked in a fine dusting of snow. It was a clear sky meaning the full glory of the stars was on show. The moon was full and bright, lighting the snow that was covering the floor below in an eerie but beautiful blue tint.Dr Temperance Brennan was taking a stroll through the park, she loved walking in the moonlight. It gave her a chance to clear her mind and a chance to refigure her thoughts. She was wearing a long grey wool trench coat and a matching striped gloves scarf and hat set. It may have been beautiful out here but it was extremely cold. She and Booth had just finished a case which had dragged on for two weeks; the victim had been a twenty one year old girl who had been raped, set alight and left to burn to death in the woods. She had been a first class honours student who had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. She had been kidnapped as she walked back to her dorm by a complete stranger. She had been found in a shallow grave by a lady who was out walking her dog in the early morning light. They had found the killer eventually but he had left hardly any clues and any that where left had nearly been destroyed by the fire. She was glad that the case was solved and that the family of the girl now had justice.

She had been walking for around twenty minutes when she heard a strange noise behind her. She turned around to look but all she could see was a blackbird sitting on one of the branches above her. She just put the sound down to the wind and began to carry back along the path. She continued for another five minutes when she heard what sounded like light footsteps behind her. She slowly began to quicken her pace at the same time she was preparing to turn around and face who ever it was that was following her. Even though she had martial art training she was still scared at what she might turn around too . She could hear the footsteps getting louder and louder until she knew they would be about to reach her. With this she turned around, before she could work out the position of her attacker she was knocked to the ground by a swift hard punch to the side of the head. She felt so dizzy so disorientated her eye sight had become slightly blurred and she was unable to make out the face of the attacker. She tried to rise to her feet, she pushed up from the ground but a quick sharp kick to her ribs soon stopped that plan.

"What do you want from me? She screamed due to pain and that fact she was so scared".

"Give me your purse and jewellery lady NOW!!!"

Shouted the attacker back at her. She tried to rise one more time even though the pain searing through her chest was crippling. She was pushed roughly back down before the attacker ripped her bag from her hands and snatched the necklace she was wearing straight off her. This caused even more pain to rush through her body. With that he was gone just as quickly as he had appeared.

She was starting to feel the cold as her clothes became wet, from the snow on which she was laying on. She rose to a sitting position as it was still to painful to stand. This was when she noticed a crimson colour on the snow next to her.

That must be mine where is it coming from? She thought to herself. She bought up a hand to her lips. They felt puffy and she could feel a cut on her bottom lip. She lifted her hand up higher this is when she realised where the blood had come from she had a small laceration on her left cheek and her nose was bleeding. Her vision had started to clear she looked around her the park it was dark and empty no one had seen her get attacked. She needed to call someone but the attacker had her purse so surely he had her phone. That’s when she realised she had been on the phone to Booth earlier and had placed her phone in her jean pocket instead of back in her bag as she normally would. She managed to slowly crawl over to a nearby by bench. She pulled her self up even though she was in tremendous pain from the kick to the ribs. She got into a sitting position and pulled out her phone she would call Booth she needed wanted Booth. She pushed speed dial 1 and hoped he would pick up.

Booth had gone home after dropping Bones back at her apartment, normally he would have gone in but she said she was tired. He didn’t blame her he was tired too all he wanted was his nice comfy warm bed and a beer. The case had been so long winded and hard. It broke his heart to see that a innocent girl had fallen foul to an evil human being. He had changed out of his suit into an old FBI T-shirt and a pair of lounging pants and was currently watching a re run of an old game of hockey on the television. He had meant to go straight to bed but he got distracted by a phone call from Rebecca asking if he could have Parker for the weekend, as she and her boyfriend Captain fantastic were going away for the weekend. He didn’t care where they were going he just knew it meant he got to spend another weekend with his son. He was thinking of things they could do together may he could get Parker to persuade Bones to come with them.

All of a sudden he felt a vibration in his pocket who was calling him at this hour it was eleven o’clock at night. He pulled out his phone and saw that the screen said Bones was calling. He pushed the answer button and said Hi Bones you’re calling late. There was no reply all he could hear sounded like someone crying. This immediately scared him he sat up straight.

"BONES BONES!! Are you alright talk to me Bones?"

"Booth I need you I um I’m in the park I um I have been attacked".

She said this while still crying so it was quite hard to make out what she said.

"Okay Bones do you know exactly where you are I’ll come at get you". He said this while fighting to put his shoes and jacket on.

"I’m near the fountain on the east side , I’m sitting on a bench please hurry I’m really scared".

"Okay I’m on my way just stay talking to me on the phone all right?"

By this point he had picked up his keys and left his apartment. His was just starting the car when he heard.

"Okay I think I can do that but your coming right please tell me your coming".

He pulled out of the parking complex on to the main highway. He was about 10 minutes away but he was sure using his sirens would cut at least 3 minutes off that time.

"It’s okay honey I’m about 7 minutes away I’ll be there before you know it".

Opps he had said honey he hoped that she hadn’t registered that part she hated pet names. Before he knew it he arrived at the east car park, he pulled in and quickly parked the car he didn’t care if it wasn’t even in a space.

"Hey I’m here okay I’m nearly with you".

He ran as fast as his legs would let him in the direction of the fountain. He rounded the last corner that’s when he spotted her half slumped on a wooden bench.

"Bones honey I’m here its Booth".

He put his phone back in his pocket as he crouched down in front of her. She was facing away from him so he was yet to see her injuries. He carefully placed his hand on her shoulder, with this touch she began to turn back towards him. He noticed that she was moving very slowly, when she had turned to fully face him he gasped even though the only light source was the moon he could make out a cut on her face and lip. He put his hand up so that it cupped her uninjured cheek and looked into her eyes.

"Who did this to you who hurt you?"

He spoke in a soft voice in order to comfort her as she was still sobbing slightly.

"I don’t know they appeared out of now where I didn’t have time to react. They took my purse and the necklace my mother gave me".

With this the sobs became louder. Booth stood up and embraced her in a hug, this is when he found out that she had been injured else where. As he hugged her she let out a small gasp of pain. He quickly let go.

"Bones where else did they hurt you?"

"Just my chest they kicked me in the ribs".

"Okay we need to get you to the emergency room, we need to get you checked out. Do you think you can stand up and walk for me?"

She nodded and started to rise from the bench when a large jolt of pain travelled through her body and she nearly collapsed back from the pain. Gladly Booth had realised this might happen and had a caught her in his arms.

"Okay I don’t think that is going to work, I’m going to carry you back to the car okay".

She wanted to protest but the pain she was feeling made it hard to disagree. He swept her up into his arm in a bridal lift while being careful not to further hurt her. Even though she was embarrassed and in pain she rested her head in the crook where Booth’s shoulder meet his neck. Once he knew she was comfortable he made his was back to the car.

It took less than five minutes for Booth to arrive back at the car. Now this would be tricky he thought how was he going to hold Bones and unlock the car. He went to release her slightly so she could stand while he opened the door, but as soon as he released his grip she gasped in pain again. So he decided he would just have to open the door while holding her. He managed to manoeuvre the keys out of his pocket and press the key fob to unlock the car. He pulled the door open all the while being careful not to drop her. He pushed the seat back as far as it would go before saying

"Bones I’m going to set you down on the car seat , I know it is not going to be very comfortable but I need you to be strong for me can you do that?"

He felt her nod so he began to slowly lower her down, he could tell she was in pain because as he got her seated she gasped and grasped clumps of his jacket with her fists. He made sure she was as comfy as she could be and strapped her in. After Booth had closed the door and gone round to the driver’s side, Bones moved her self ever so slightly so her head was leaning on the door and her legs were curled under her. Booth climbed in and started the car and pulled out of the car park then back on to the main highway.

Bones was feeling so angry with herself how had she let that man get a drop on her in the park. Why didn’t she notice someone following her. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks again, Booth noticed this and had a feeling he knew why she was crying. She shouldn’t blame her self. He wanted to find the man that had hurt his Bones and he wanted to do things that would hurt him. But he knew at the present time he just needed to be there to support Bones. So he put his hand on hers and gave it a squeeze. The drive to the hospital only took 10 minutes but it felt like a lifetime to Bones every bump in the road and every turn caused her ribs to hurt even more. She knew Booth couldn’t help it he was driving as carefully as he possibly could. He had tried to make general conversation but Bones wasn’t in the mood for talking right now even taking deep breaths was making her chest hurt.

Booth pulled in a space for police and emergency vehicles only but he didn’t care. He would move the car later when he would know Bones was going to be okay. As he opened the passenger door he half expected Bones to argue the fact that she could walk in to the emergency room but she didn’t. As he began to lift her in to his arms again she just rested her head back on his shoulder and put her arms round his neck. He knew she was in a lot of pain if she didn’t tell him that he didn’t need to be that alpha male. When he had fully got a grip on her he walked towards the sliding front door of the ER. He found the reception desk quite quickly and proceeded to walk towards it. The lady sitting behind looked a bit shocked when she saw Booth holding Brennan in his arms.

"Hi how may I help you sir, What seems to be the problem?"

"My friend here was attacked in the park and she’s in a lot of pain can we see a doctor?"

The lady behind the desk felt sorry for her but was just about to tell the gentleman that he and his friend needed to wait in the queue in the waiting room. This is when Booth pulled out his FBI badge and flashed it at the lady along with one of his charm smiles. Seeing the badge the lady immediately got up and headed through the white doors to the ER to get a doctor. She did admit to herself that the smile along with how good looking he was also swayed her a bit.

While they were waiting Booth with out realising leaned his head down and kissed Bones’ hair while whispering it’s okay honey were going to get you better real soon. However even though she was in pain she felt Booth kiss her and call her honey but rather than annoy her it seemed to comfort her slightly. The receptionist came back five minutes later with a lady who Booth assumed to be a doctor due to the fact she had a white coat on. The doctor came up to Booth and Brennan and introduced herself.

"Hi I’m Dr Contax, if you would like to follow me we will go to one of the exam rooms".

Booth’s arms were starting to hurt, He had been holding Bones for about 15 minutes. It wasn’t the fact that she was heavy because she was in his mind to light but having his arms in the same position meant they were aching. He followed the doctor through the white doors and then down a corridor until they came to a empty exam room. The room was very bland looking the walls were white and the only furniture in the room was a bed and a chair. The doctor asked if Booth would be able to set Brennan down on the bed so she could examine her properly. Brennan was quite unwilling to let go of Booth she was so comfortable in his arms and she knew that it was going to hurt. After a bit of a struggle Brennan was finally laying on the bed in a position which was as comfortable as it could be for her. The doctor looked a bit shocked when she saw Booth’s jacket. Booth looked down and then realised that he had a blood stain on the shoulder of his jacket were Bones nose and cut had bled on to it while he was holding her. The doctor went on to examine Brennan and took a note of her injures. All the time Brennan had Booth’s hand grasped in hers.

"Okay Miss Brennan you ……"

She was interrupted by Bones who said it’s Dr Brennan actually. This made Booth chuckle even when she was in pain Bones could still correct people.

"Sorry I didn’t realise Dr Brennan it is, your nose has stopped bleeding and it doesn’t look or feel broken so that’s good news. However I think you may have broken several ribs on your right side so I would like to send you for a x-ray. I just want to check that they are still in place and haven’t moved. I will ask one of the nurses to get you some pain medication which should make you more comfortable. Also I’ll get one of the nurses to clean and suture that laceration on your face. I think you are extremely luck that you only received minor injures. I’ll come back a discuss treatment with you once I have looked at the x-rays".

"Thank you Dr Contax" they both said at the same time, with this Dr Contax left the room to go see another patient.

True to her word a nurse who introduced herself as Julie came in shortly after the doctor had left. She had two paracetamols and two tramdols for Brennan to take to ease the pain. After making sure Brennan had swallowed them she went to get a dressing trolley so she could suture the cut on Brennan’s cheek. Booth and Brennan were now alone again neither talked for a couple of minutes but then Booth heard Brennan talking very quietly.

"You okay Bones, I cant hear you are you still in pain, you want me to get the doctor back?"

"No umm I just wanted to say thank you for coming to get me and for staying with me".

"Hey Bones you don’t need to apologize I would do anything for you".

"I know but I was so scared, I thought that he was going to kill me and however much I fought I couldn’t get him off".

With this Brennan turned her head away from Booth, she didn’t like to show her emotions she didn’t want to cry again in front of Booth. Booth put two fingers under her chin and made her look back at him.

"Hey Bones don’t cry your safe now I wont let him ever hurt you again".

He moved his hand on to her uninjured cheek and wiped her tears away with his thumb. The nurse came back and informed them that it was time for Brennan’s x-ray.

"Sorry Mr Booth you can’t go with her but you can wait here until she comes back".

"That’s okay I better give Angela a ring and tell what’s happened anyway Bones. She will be angry if I don’t let her know. I’ll be here when you get back".

The porters came in and wheeled Brennan out but she didn’t let go of Booth’s hand until they got into the corridor. Booth headed for the front entrance. Once he was outside he got out his phone and dialled Angela’s number. It was midnight he just hoped she would answer. It rang three times he was about to give up when he heard a very sleepily voice say

"Hi Angela speaking"

"Hi Angela its Booth I need to tell you something but I need you to stay calm".

"What’s happened it’s Brennan isn’t it what’s happened? If you’ve done something to hurt her I’ll kill you Booth".

"Brennan was attacked when she was walking in the park. She’s okay she rang me then I went and got her. We are in the emergency room, …."

He heard Angela gasp so he continued.

"But she is going to be okay she has got a cut on her cheek and lip. She is having a x-ray at the moment cause she might have broken a couple of ribs. But as I said she is okay".

"Okay I’ll be there in 10 minutes".

Booth could hear Angela telling Hodgins to get up because they needed to go to the hospital.

"Okay I’ll meet you both out the front".

Booth didn’t have to wait in the cold too long true to her word, Angela arrived 10 minutes later looking quite fresh with a very tired Hodgins in tow.

"Hi we can wait in the exam room for her she should be back soon".

10 minutes later Brennan came back from her x-ray. Angela had yet to see her injures so she was quite shocked. A bruise had now started to form on her cheek from the impact of the attacker’s fist. Angela was the first to talk.

"Aww sweetie you okay, why were you in the park by yourself one of use would have gone with you".

"I just wanted to be alone to gather my thoughts, I’m regretting that decision now though.It was horrible Ang I didn’t think I would see any of you again".

Angela walked over to the bed and pulled Brennan in to a hug. She had to be careful she didn’t hurt her though. At this point Dr contax came back to give Brennan the news. Brennan unconsciously grabbed for the comfort of Booth’s hand. Booth seeing this sat on the side of the bed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders to give her that extra support.

"Hi I have good news and bad news which one would you like first?"

"Good please"

"Okay you have broken two ribs on your right side but they have not splintered or
punctured any surrounding tissue".

"I thought I might of".

"The bad news is there is no really treatment for cracked ribs. The only thing we can do is strap your chest up for support. You will need to take regular pain medication which I have a prescribed for you. Also you need to rest for a least two weeks".

"But I need to be at work".

"You need to stay off work at least for a week, when you come back for a follow up next I will decide if you can go to work for light duties. Cracked ribs is a very painful injury to have. I would also suggest that you stay with someone for the next week as even simple tasks such as bathing and cooking can be very painful. I scheduled your follow up for next Tuesday. So I will see you then".

She shook Brennan’s hand before saying her goodbyes and leaving the room. Julie the nurse came back in with everything Brennan would need for the next week. She used a bandage to strap Brennan up and showed her how to apply it. She checked the sutures were okay and still in place then she gave the prescription to Booth.

"Hey Bones you can come stay with me if you like".

"I don’t want to be a burden on anyone".

Secretly she wanted to stay with Booth he made her feel safe and secure. She was scared that the attacker might find her. He had her keys and purse he probably knew where she lived now. So she was relieved when Booth said.

"Bones it’s not a burden I want you to come stay with me, I enjoy your company anyway".

This statement made Angela squeal, she loved the fact that Booth was admitting some of his feelings. Maybe them living together would make them closer too because the sexual tension between them was starting to become to much. Hodgins however was glad to see Brennan was okay because he wanted to go back to his nice warm bed with Angela of course. Booth helped Brennan to stand up, now her pain was under control she was able to walk even though she did it very slowly. It took them 10 minutes to get back to the car, which was still in the emergency spot. They said farewell to Angela and Hodgins, who told them they would come over in the afternoon to see how she was and they would tell cam what had happened.

Booth opened the door and then helped a very sore Brennan get comfortable in the car before he headed back to his house. He decided that they would go and collect a bag of Bones’ things in the morning. She was too tired to do it at the moment and it was one o’clock in the morning. He did however go to the nearest twenty four hour pharmacy to fill Bones’ prescription because she would need the meds soon. He started talking to Bones on the way home about his plan, but she didn’t answer. He thought that maybe she didn’t want to talk but he soon realised that she was fast asleep with her head leaning on the door frame. She looked so peaceful he didn’t want to wake her but they soon arrived at his apartment. He got out and carefully opened the passenger door.

"Bones honey we are home I need you to wake up so we can get in the apartment".

She started to stir, so Booth brushed a strand of hair out of her face. This made her open her eyes and she found herself staring back in to Booth’s.

"Sorry Booth I must have fallen asleep for a second".

"Don’t worry you can sleep for longer once we get you in the house".

She manoeuvred herself out of the car very carefully and used Booth to support her as they walked to the lift. They were soon at his front door were Booth had to loosen his grip on Brennan’s waist slightly so he could get out his keys and open the door. He walked Bones to the couch before he went back and closed his door.

"You can sleep in my room Bones , I’ll sleep on the couch".

"No it’s okay Booth"

"Bones don’t worry about my back it will be fine".

"No Booth I mean I would rather you stayed with me, it’s not like we haven’t shared a bed before".

Booth had never seen this side of her before she looked really shy and embarrassed about asking him to share the bed with her. He kind of liked it she looked cute.

"Okay I can do that can I ask why?"

She looked a bit hurt at his question. What had he done he had upset her now but he had no idea why. Brennan felt so embarrassed that she had asked him to basically sleep with her. When he asked why it kind of hurt, she thought he would of realised.

"I’m scared that when I fall asleep I might wake up and be back in the park again with that man".

"Sorry Bones I didn’t realise, you know he can hurt you anymore and when you wake up I promise I’ll be right next to you okay?"

She nodded at this. How could he have been such a fool of course she was scared he would be.

"Right lets go to bed Bones".

She blushed at this and he realised how wrong that sounded. She chuckled when she saw him blush too. He always had a habit of cheering her up when she was down.

"You know what I meant Bones, I’ve got some spare shorts and a t-shirt you can change in to if you like".

"Okay thanks Booth that would be good but what’s wrong with what I’m wearing?"

He just looked at her, so she looked down and realised her clothes were covered in dirt and blood. Oh maybe she should change. Booth took her hand and lead her towards his bedroom, he sat her down on the edge of the bed while he fetched her some clothes to wear. She had never been in this part of his house, she had walked past it to get to the bathroom loads of times but she had never ventured in. It was nice it was decorated quite basically but that didn’t matter it still looked homely. Booth came back towards her.

"You can get changed in the bathroom if you like , I’ll get changed wherever".

"Thanks Booth I’ll be back in a minute".

With this she headed towards the bathroom. She changed into the shorts easily enough even though it did hurt a bit. However she was having trouble unhooking her bra, every time she reached back the pain was excruciating. It was no use she was going to need help, she changed in to the t-shirt and headed back in to the bedroom. Booth was still not changed he had been making sure the bed was neat. He smiled at her as she walked back, she looked embarrassed again, he wondered why that was till she said.

"Umm Booth can you do me a favour , I can’t unhook my bra it hurts to much to reach round, could you do it for me?"

Booth had to bit his lip, not only did she look adorable in his clothes but now she was standing in his bedroom asking him to undo her bra. What was this woman trying to do to him. Brennan noticed him biting his lip, but wasn’t quite sure why he was doing it.

"Yer sure Bones I’ll do that for you".

He got Bones to stand with her back towards him as put his hand under the back of her shirt. As soon as his hand made contact with her skin she felt like it was on fire. God that felt good she thought. Booth however was trying to think of anything that would distract him from what he was doing. The last thing he wanted was to get aroused as he would have to get in bed with her and she might notice , if you know what he means. He quickly unhooked it and withdrew his hand, much to Bones’ disappoint she was enjoying the contact a bit too much. He let her remove the rest before helping her to climb into bed. Once he knew she was in he changed into just his boxers. Brennan was trying her hardest not to stare at his perfectly toned body, she was a fully blooded women after all. He soon climbed in next to her and kept a safe distance between them. However Bones needed to feel that he was close so she shifted so that her head was laying on his chest. Booth was a bit shocked at first, he didn’t know Bones was so cuddly but he soon relaxed and put his arm around her.

"Thank you Booth for everything, I don’t what I would have done with out you today".

"Your welcome Bones now go to sleep it’s half one in the morning, I’ll wake you up at 6ish for your pain meds okay . But for now you need to rest".

"Oskasy Booth I’ll sleesp now".

Booth had to chuckle Bones was already starting to fall asleep. He waited until her breathing became relaxed before he could fall asleep himself and he wondered what the morning what bring.

I hope you liked it I'm working on the next chapter so it should be up in the next few days

Number of posts : 29
Age : 35
Location : New Romney (England)
Say What You Want : I love B&B they are meant for each other
Registration date : 2010-04-09

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