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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:53 pm

Rated T
Title: Romeo and Juliet

It was late and the light was still on in Temperance Brennan’s office. The door was open. He made his way over and stood quietly in the door way. She was still at her desk, little finger in her mouth, staring intently at her computer screen. ‘She looks so adorable like that’ He thought to himself, he would’ve told her but he didn’t want to risk having his face smashed. She still hadn’t realized his presence until he cleared his throat, she jumped.
“Hi Bones. Did I scare you?”
“No. I just wasn’t expecting to see you, what are you doing here?”
“I was hungry and wondered if you hadn’t eaten yet would you like to come get something with me?”
“Yeah…ok” she said, with her eyes still glued to the computer.
“What are you working on?” he asked.
He walked around behind her and read over her shoulder. She was looking up all the latest movies.
“You going to see a movie? Got a date?”
“No date. Just haven’t been to see a movie in ages…so I thought I would go after I finished here.”
Brennan thought for a moment ‘Should I ask Booth to go with me? We could go after we eat. He mightn’t want to go with me. Work partners don’t go to see movies together. And I don’t think I’m ready to tell him that I feel more than that for him.’
“What’s ticking through that extremely large brain of yours Bones?”
“Nothing” she lied.
“And it doesn’t ‘tick’” she added, using air quotes to emphasize the word ‘tick’.
She was thinking back to the time when she and Booth were recovering after being blown up. He had talked her into watching a movie with him at his apartment. They couldn’t decide on a movie together and after 20 minutes of arguing she finally chose ’Romeo and Juliet’. They sat on the couch, thighs slightly touching. After she made what he said was the ‘fiftieth squinty remark in 10 minutes’ he had told her to try and not be a squint but an emotional being. After crossing her arms moodily and turning away from him she decided that she would try. She found the movie beautiful and was soon crying in Booth’s embrace. When the movie finished she had learnt the meaning of love and had finally concluded that was what she felt for Booth. He tilted her face towards him and tenderly wiped the tears from her face. At that moment she freaked out…she couldn’t tell Booth how she felt so she abruptly left before they crossed the line, or she was crushed by Booth saying he didn’t reciprocate her feelings...they had never watched a movie together since that day.
“Bones. Hello? You in there?” Booth was now waving his hand madly in front of her face.
“Sorry. I’m coming. Just let me turn my computer off.”
Booth looked at her strange.
“What?” she asked
“Aren’t you gonna tell me what time we have to be at the movie?”
“Well Bones, I just thought that maybe, well I’d like to go with you if that’s ok. I mean if you don’t want me to come that’s fine I understand but…”
“Booth,” she cut him off “I would love for you to come with me. You can choose the movie when we get there…I’ll watch anything. But can we please go now and get something to eat…I’m starving.”

Should I continue this story? This is my first fan fic. Im not sure if its any good.....reviews would be greatly appreciated.

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Cassiopeia Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:18 pm

I like that Smile I really do. I mean the concept of it. I have read much of fanfics, but never had read that theme.

I hope, you continue and It come out terrific!

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by THX1138 Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:44 am

I'd like to see a continuation, at leat until they've seen the movie and dealt with the nice, awkward aftermath - I mean dinner and a movie, that's pretty much the basic date and even Brennan will realize that once they're done. Wink

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by DBCrazy Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:15 am

A dinner and a movie sounds like a nice first fic, kinda like a first date! Sure, go for it, Bonesbabe!

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:16 pm

thanks. have almost finished second chapter. am just very busy with drama and learning scripts and auditions atm....

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:22 pm

ok. heres chapter 2. its a bit short but hopefully the next few chapters will be ready soon.

After they arrived at the cinema, she left him to get the tickets and more food for himself while she went to the bathroom. She hoped he didn't choose a romantic movie, she didn't want to cry in front of him again and she didn't want to let her feelings for him slip either. She touched up her make up and put on some lipstick while she calmed her nerves. Slowly her stomach settled and she returned to Booth. 'She looks so beautiful' he thought, her hair was falling out of her bun and hanging loosely around her face, she was wearing gorgeous tight jeans and a blue top that perfectly contrasted with her eyes...he decided to take a chance...
"You look really really nice" he said to her as she arrived by his side. She smiled,
"Thank you. You look nice yourself"
They stood gazing into each other’s eyes and smiling while they waited in line to go into the movie. As they got to the door a young girl ushered them in.
“You two are very cute together. Would you like the couple’s seat?”
“We’re not together” they both denied at the same time.
“Oh…ok. But you would make a very cute couple” said the girl, her smile never faltering.
“Here are your seats. Enjoy the movie” she said, and then she was gone.
Brennan and Booth took their seats without looking at each other. Booth was trying to open the ice cream he had bought.
“I don’t know how you eat so much Booth!” she giggled, while watching him struggle to get the ice cream out of the packet.
“These ice creams are really nice, Bones. You ever had one?” he asked, still fiddling with the wrapper.
She shook her head ‘no’. She watched him struggle for a while longer…as she watched she realize he was trying to undo the sticky tape around the bag, ‘typical male, has to do things the hardest way possible’ she thought.
The lights slowly dimmed and the previews began.
“Got it!” Booth yelled, when he finally had his ice cream open.
“Shh!” Brennan said glaring at him, along with everyone else in the cinema.
Booth settled back in his seat with his ice cream and put his right arm around his partners’ shoulders. She rolled her eyes at him but didn’t make and attempts to remove his arm from its place.
Brennan thought back over dinner, it had been very nice, they had gone to an Italian restaurant, it was a new place Booth said he wanted to try out, so she had agreed. Their talk had been casual and friendly, nothing about their stressful work lives. Brennan felt so natural and happy when she was with Booth. ‘I wish I could tell him how I feel’ but Brennan dismissed the thought as quickly as it had come into her head ‘There is too much to lose if it goes wrong’ she thought, and she convinced herself that that was the reason she wouldn’t confess to loving him.
Slowly she relaxed into him and rested her head on his shoulder as the movie started. He offered her some of his ice cream and without a second thought from either partner they began sharing the ice cream, both unaware of the person watching them very intently from the row behind.

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by DBCrazy Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:43 am

Oooo. They're getting cozy and somebody's watching. ^^

am just very busy with drama and learning scripts and auditions atm....
So, anteater, are you an actor?

Number of posts : 11341
Age : 63
Say What You Want : I was sad to see this place close. I called it home for a while.
Registration date : 2008-11-07

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:00 am

yeah. i go to a performing arts school. am hoping to have a career as an actor. atm i do advanced drama at school, company a after school, dramakatz on saturdays and have an audition for the school musical next week. im a busy little bee....lol

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:46 pm

chapter 3
The movie was about pirates and the Caribbean, Brennan didn’t know much about the movie but she had enjoyed it, but mostly she had enjoyed the close proximity to Booth.
When they were outside the cinema after the movie Booth asked,
“So…did you like the movie, Bones?”
“Yes. I did.” She replied rather distractedly.
It was freezing outside.
“Bones, come here.” Booth said, calling his partner back to him.
She turned,
“What do you want Booth?”
Without answering he slipped his jacket off and helped her into it. He put his arms around her and hugged her close to his body. Slowly he pulled back to look in her eyes.
“Uh…thanks Booth, that’s much better.” She smiled at him.
“SWEETIE!!” came a scream from their left.
“Angela! Hi. What are you doing here?” Said Brennan, surprised to see her friend.
“I could ask you two the same question. Are you on a date?” Angela asked, trying to keep herself from squealing.
“No. We just tried out that new Italian restaurant and Bones wanted to see a movie.” Said Booth, wondering why Angela had interrupted them when she had, he had been about to lean in and kiss his Bones, ‘damn Angela’s timing’ he thought.
“Sounds like a date to me…and you share ice cream, I gotta admit that was really cute, I sent a photo of that to Hodgins. He wants to send it to Sweets but I don’t know…I’ll keep it for now…good blackmail material, Sweetie.” Angela was ecstatic, but the two partners stared at her stunned and blushing.
“You were in there too?” asked Booth, slightly embarrassed.
“Yep, few rows behind you.” Angela seemed very proud of herself.
“Well I must go. Better be getting home, it’s late. Have a good night.” And with a mischievous smile she was off.
Booth and Brennan started walking towards his SUV. Booth was first to break the silence,
“That was, uh, awkward, seeing Ange.”
“Yes, it was.” Agreed Brennan, stifling a yawn.
“Bones, it’s getting late, let’s get you home.” He said opening the door for her to get in the car. He heard her mumble something about him being an alpha-male. But she was tired so he let it pass, without saying anything.
He was almost at her apartment when he noticed that she had fallen asleep.
He parked the car and looked over at her, she looked so peaceful, he thought. He couldn’t resist and her reached over and brushed her hair out of her face, and then swiftly kissed her forehead.
“You’re lips are cold.” Brennan mumbled.
Booth jumped a mile. She was awake! He mustn’t have parked as carefully as the thought he did.
“Sorry Bones…I just…I thought…I…”
“Booth, it’s ok.” She said smiling a tired smile. Booth smiled back at her.
Booth got out of the car and opened Brennan’s door for her. She was way too tired to complain now, and way too tired to think logically. Booth looked so good in the moonlight, reached up and kissed him on the cheek.
“Goodnight Booth” and with that Brennan was gone.

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty story

Post by Funnybone Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:17 pm

Hey nay omg this is the best thing u have eva done better then the tissues in the drama room lol well thats not hard jks, well i loved this keep writing... the suspence is killing me... Very Happy

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:20 pm

thank you Lizziebeth. Smile im great at those tissu's. lol.
I'm almost finished chapter 4. finally got some inspiration back Smile

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Funnybone Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:22 pm

yay!!! and yes that u r good cant wait for company A and drama kats to start up again im gunna miss u :'(

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:33 pm

same :'(

i will have chapter 4 up within the next week..for those of you who were reading....promise...i think Smile

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Funnybone Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:51 pm

ok yay i will be looking out for it Very Happy

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by bones_fanatic19 Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:45 pm

I love this story, can't wait to se another chapter Smile
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:29 pm

thanks. next chap is half written! have been a little obsessed with The X-Files lately...so I needa write some Booth/Bren instead of Scully/Mulder lol

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:23 am

hello everyone! here is chapter 4. The internet has not been working at home cause of the storm on Friday night and I have no idea when I will get it back. So at the moment I am sitting in History and am bored cause my teacher is not here so I will post this! Smile

Chapter 4

Brennan lay in bed that night, unable to sleep despite the fact she was extremely tired, it was late and she hadn’t slept much the two nights prior, last night she was writing and thinking about Booth and the night before she stayed at the lab working. Then tonight so much was on her mind. First and foremost she was thinking about all the moments and looks her and Booth had shared that night. Surely he feels like more than ‘just partners’ too…
He had told her she looked “really really nice” and he had genuinely meant it. He had put his arm around her through the movie and they had shared his ice cream. He gave her his jacket, because he always put her first, he didn’t want her to be cold. He opens car door for her even though she hates it, he’s just trying to be a gentleman. She remembered the tenderness with which he brushed the hair from her face and his lips over her forehead.
Then she thought about Angela, she had been watching them, she thought they were on a date and the girl at the cinema thought they were a couple. It had been like a date! She hadn’t realized before but to any innocent bystander they were acting just like a young couple on a date together. Would Booth realize this and dismiss the idea or would he think of it and consider it as a sort of date?? Would he think about her and think that they could be more than ‘just partners’? So many things she didn’t know the answer to. What would happen if Sweet’s got the photo of them from Angela? What would Angela tell the squints? And she still didn’t know how or when she should tell Booth she loved him.
It wasn’t until the next morning that she eventually fell into a restless sleep.
Not long after she fell asleep her alarm clock started buzzing. Brennan attacked her bedside table with her hand until she hit the object and finally the buzzing stopped. She fell asleep again instantly.
When Temperance woke again it was to the sound of banging on her door and Booth calling her name. She dragged herself out of bed and to the door,
“Hi” she said opening the door. Booth stared at her open-mouthed.
“What?” she asked. Booth was stunned, she looked even more beautiful when she had just dragged herself out of bed. Her hair messy, no make-up, sleepy and her clothes! Then suddenly he laughed.
“Morning Bones. Don’t you look glamorous.” She was wearing a very large t-shirt with a picture of a skull on it, long bright pink socks and blue shorts. At that moment he felt so much love for her he didn’t know how he stopped himself from hugging her and never letting anyone hurt her in anyway ever again, people had left her, but he was not going to be one of them.
“Shut up, Booth. I look terrible” she said smiling. She let him in and closed the door.
“What are you doing here anyway?” she asked, although she certainly was happy to see him.
“I came to pick you up for work. Cause we left your car at the lab last night. I thought you would’ve been ready by now.”
“Why? What time is it?”
“Bones, its 9:00. Usually you are the first person at the Jeffersonian…I tried calling you earlier but you didn’t answer, so I went and got us breakfast then came over to see if you were still here.”
“Shit!! I’ve got to get ready!”
Brennan started frantically running around her apartment gathering up her things, Booth stood back and watched her. Once Brennan had piled everything she would need for the day by her front door she looked at Booth.
“Okay. I’m ready to go!” Booth snorted
“What?” asked Bones confused as to what he was now laughing at
“You going to work in those clothes today Bones?”
Brennan ran back into her room to change into some suitable clothes. No more than 2 minutes later Booth heard a crash, he ran into Bones room.
“Bones are you ok?!”

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by bones_fanatic19 Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:52 pm

Great Chapter Very Happy
Looking forward to more Smile
Head of Forensics
Head of Forensics

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Laffers18 Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:27 am

Brill chapter, look forward to more

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Funnybone Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:09 am

Why did u end it like that so sudden lol im writing this in IPT lol and its p3 & 4 on tuesday and u just yelled at me for not reading this sooner so i took the time in class to read this so there u go and i want more now so keep writing plz haha ok ly xxx Very Happy Razz

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:08 pm

thank you everyone Smile

(lol...reviewing in IPT...naughty girl Liz)

well everyone, i finally have my internet back...stupid telstra customer service people are useless. haha. so i will write another chap and post as soon as i can...i do have a few assignments and some homework to do.....so yeah....and im going out tomorrow...woooo! lol

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Funnybone Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:11 pm

yay boones is back woow

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Bonesbabe Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:04 pm

haha. 'Im back baby'!!!! (yes i stole your line) Razz

Forensic Artist
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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Funnybone Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:25 pm

Thats what i say :'( u took my words right out of my mouth

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Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters) Empty Re: Romeo and Juliet - B/B fanfic. rated T (just to be safe for future chapters)

Post by Funnybone Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:30 am

Hey nay im in IPT again haha i just might read your story again cause im bored. Razz juggle

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