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Michaela Interviewed by Korbi TV - What is to Come for Angela and the Crew?

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Michaela Interviewed by Korbi TV - What is to Come for Angela and the Crew? Empty Michaela Interviewed by Korbi TV - What is to Come for Angela and the Crew?

Post by marymageli Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:13 am

Michaela was interview by Korbi at Zap2It's Korbi TV. She talks about the Hodgela breakup, about her former/future love, Birimbau, Zack and others. Hmm. Maybe we haven't seen the last of Birimbau.

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Birimbau, Angela's Breakup & Her New Love: 'Bones' Michaela Conlin Comes Clean

By Korbi Ghosh

September 09, 06:35 AM

A week ago, Bones' Angela and Hodgins were happily engaged. But after last Wednesday's season premiere, they're going their separate ways. So, what's to come? Michaela Conlin was kind enough to fill me in...

While Booth and Bones have been the “will-they-won’t-they?” couple, Angela and Hodgins have been the stable duo of the show.
[Laughs] I know, what happened, right? Yeah, they're taking a temporary break and seeing what else is out there. But I think they'll soon crawl back to each other. I think that everyone knows they will end up together.

Were you surprised the writers were going to take the relationship in this direction?
No, I really wasn't. I think what everyone didn't want was a relationship that didn't mirror real life -- you know, with things being wonderful all the time -- I think we all know that's not how it goes. And they were an unlikely couple to start. I think they just both freaked out and need a break.

How long do you think it will last?
I think it's just going to be [part of] this season, if I'm correct. I don't know exactly what's going to happen, but I think the plan is to get them back together towards the end. But plans can change, so I'm not sure.

Do you think Sweets' bad advice is to blame for the breakup?
[Laughs] Yeah, he gave Angela some advice that eventually [caused] the series of events that led to the break. But, you know, I think sometimes breaks are better for a couple in the long run. John Francis Daley is such a fun addition to the cast. He's a great actor and so funny. It's good timing for him to be around, because he plays a therapist and I think all of us are going to be needing a lot of therapy this season.

At Comic-Con, you mentioned that Angela's ex-girlfriend Roxy might come back into her life this season. Can you talk about that relationship at all?
Yeah, I can. We're actually going to start that quite soon. She's somebody that Angela dated while she was in art school in college. She's an ex-fling from Angela's crazy experiment phase. She's had a lot of them, that one. So yes, she shows up and we'll see where that goes. I don't know if it's a long-running thing, but we'll see.

Has she already been cast?
No, not yet. I asked yesterday morning.

I wonder if they'll let you do chemistry readings with the ladies.
[Laughs] That's what I said about Birimbau too, but I wasn’t allowed, which is probably better. I know there are definitely some great actresses [in contention for the role].

Speaking of Birimbau, do you know if we're going to see more of him?
I hope so. Everybody really liked him and I heard that his stuff turned out really well. I thought he was really great, and him and Cam obviously had some chemistry, so we'll see.

And since Angela's single now
[Laughs] I know! Exactly.

He seems somewhat interested.
That's true, he does.

It was a great episode for Angela. Just sucks you didn't get to go to London.
[Laughs] Yeah, they told me we'd be back at the lab and I was like, oh, that's a bummer.

I hear the producers are talking about doing more international episodes, though.
Yeah, I think this one [went] well, so I'm sure we will be. I know that the show has a really big following internationally. I was in Japan last year and I couldn't believe how many people had seen it. It was really amazing.

I know Eric Millegan is returning, though his character Zack is still incarcerated. Have you gotten to work with him at all?
Yeah, we have. I don't really know what the long-term plan is for him, but he has been back for one episode and I'm assuming he'll be back for more. I think it's sort of in a Hannibal Lector style, we need your help, boy genius thing.

Oh, so he'll help with a case?

Are there any interesting cases coming up that stand out?
Angela's ex-girlfriend is actually sort of embroiled in a case which is pretty interesting. But they've all been good so far. There's been all these revolving interns that have been coming in [to fill] Zack's position and they've been really fun. We've had Michael Badalucco from The Practice, Carla Gallo from Undeclared. Great people. But as far as major cases go, no, not yet. Gormagon was a big thing and I think we're all recovering from that.

What about the Grave Digger stuff? Your executive producer Hart Hanson had said it would be dealt with this season.
Yeah. We haven't [shot anything relating to the Grave Digger] yet, but I'm sure we will.

I think you were supposed to resolve that storyline last year, but the writers strike got in the way.
Yeah, God I know, the strike was hard. It made everything really difficult. But I think they did a good job of handling all the storylines. There were so many balls in the air. It gets tricky with a show like ours [considering all the] people and relationships.

The cases are obviously the core of the show, but I think the relationships really keeps viewers interested and attached.
I agree. People always ask me about them.

Perhaps we’ll delve into Angela's past a little more this season?
Yes! I'd really love to see more about why she's made certain decisions in her love life. I think she has a crazy, wacky love life and I think everybody knows that people who have [a checkered past] have a lot of other painful stuff going on in their family lives. And her dad isn't really around, obviously. So I'd love to get into some of that stuff, as well as figure out what's going to happen with her and Hodgins. That's a ball that's still up in the air. And you add the ex-girlfriend on top of it. Plus she's going to be much more involved with the cases, which is nice, so she's got a lot going on.
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